
Get the latest news from North Somerset Council
WESTlink bus

9:42am - 17 March 2023

The first glimpse of WESTlink buses was seen yesterday as the bright green 30-strong fleet took part in community testing before its official launch on 3 April.

purple bus with 'help point' written on the windows against the night sky

9:30am - 17 March 2023

The MAVISbus will help people enjoying Weston-super-Mare’s night-time economy for another year thanks to £39,888 in NHS funding from the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

green wheelie bin with its lid open full of leaves and grass

5:45pm - 16 March 2023

North Somerset residents can now subscribe to receive garden waste collections between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

Woman playing piano

3:22pm - 16 March 2023

Shoppers headed to the Sovereign in Weston-super-Mare will receive a pleasant surprise this weekend as a community piano is put in place for residents and visitors to play.

artists impression of Banwell Bypass

4:21pm - 15 March 2023

The long-awaited Banwell bypass has been given the green light today by the Planning and Regulatory Committee.

family boarding a bus - the parents are swinging their young child between them

2:54pm - 15 March 2023

The next major bus improvement scheme planned for North Somerset is set to begin in Barrow Gurney next month as part of ambitious bus service improvements which will make bus travel faster, greener, more reliable, convenient, and co-ordinated across the region.

Picture of the Tropicana taken by Paul Blakemore

8:12am - 15 March 2023

A flagship venue in North Somerset is seeking new operators to continue the legacy of the site.

Picture of Weston's high street by Paul Blakemore

5:00pm - 14 March 2023

10 trees are to be planted along the High Street in Weston-super-Mare.

trees on top of a hill with sunlight peeping through

11:00am - 14 March 2023

Three years on, since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, over 500 trees are being planted in public open spaces across North Somerset as memorial spaces for those who died. The trees will all be planted by the end of this week (Friday 17 March) in seven locations, at Clevedon, Nailsea, Portishead, and Weston-super-Mare.

A photo of author Simon Scarrow (copyright Bill Waters 2017)

12:45pm - 13 March 2023

North Somerset Libraries still have some tickets left for Simon Scarrow’s free online ‘Question and Answer’ event on Thursday 23 March at 2pm.

person holding a red mobile phone in their hand while tapping on the screen with the other hand

8:00am - 13 March 2023

Members of North Somerset’s Libraries Service can now learn over 110 languages online and for free.

person planting a small sapling into a mound of soil

8:30am - 10 March 2023

North Somerset Council has successfully bid for £150,000 in funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Woodland Creation Accelerator Fund (WCAF). This will be used to plant 31,000 more trees across the area by December 2025, in addition to trees for privately owned woodland.

adult's hands holding child's hands with a multi-coloured jigsaw heart

12:20pm - 8 March 2023

Graduates and people looking for a career change are being urged to ‘Step Up to Social Work’ and make a difference to the lives of children and young people in North Somerset.

Money going into purse

12:44pm - 7 March 2023

Financial help is available via North Somerset Council’s Household Support Fund for residents struggling to afford energy bills, food and other essential items – but applications for this round are closing next Wednesday (15 March).

five teenagers wearing school uniform working at a desk

8:10am - 1 March 2023

Nearly all young people in North Somerset will today (Wednesday 1 March) be offered to attend one of their top three preferred secondary schools from this September.