Priorities and strategies

Our corporate plan

View our over-arching priorities in our corporate plan

Adult services

View our adult services focused strategies including safeguarding, armed forces covenant, and social isolation and loneliness

Armed Forces support

Find out what support is available from North Somerset Council and beyond for serving members, veterans and families

Children's services

Read our strategies that support our children and young people

Climate emergency

Read the council's plans, priorities, and strategies to tackle climate change and become carbon neutral

Corporate services, Council Tax and benefits, and regulatory services

View our policies and procedures for council tax, regulatory services, food safety and licensing

Customer and community services

Information on our customer and community focused strategies

Digital and data

Find out how we will make the best use of data, information and digital technology through our strategies

Economic plan

Read our economic plan to see what we're doing across North Somerset to address economic growth and development

Finance and resources

View our finance and resources focused strategies

Health and wellbeing strategy 2021-24

View our strategy and action plan for improving health and wellbeing across North Somerset

Housing strategies

View our housing strategies

Local plan 2039

Read our Local Plan 2039 documents to find out what we're doing to develop local planning policy and regulations

Physical activity strategy 2023-28

View our strategy to provide North Somerset residents with the opportunities to be physically active

Placemaking and neighbourhoods

More information on our placemaking and neighbourhood strategies including beaches and flood risk

Travel and transport

View our travel and transport strategies

West of England

We work with the other three councils in the West of England area and local businesses to deliver projects which strengthen the region’s economy