Help shape improvements at ‘much-loved’ places in Weston


North Somerset Council has appointed a team led by architecture practice We Made That to design solutions for three improvement projects in Weston-super-Mare. These are: Grove Park, Marine Lake and ‘wayfinding’, encouraging people to move around the town centre and seafront.

These projects have been made possible thanks to the council’s successful bid for £20 million from the UK government’s Levelling Up Fund. This is part of North Somerset Council’s ambitious placemaking vision for Weston.

We Made That, in collaboration with Super Culture, will host a series of engagement events to give local people, community groups and organisations the opportunity to get involved and help to shape proposed designs.

A free family-friendly public event – the ‘Grove Park Gathering’ – will be held in Grove Park on Saturday 1 June between noon and 4pm. There’s no need to pre-book, just turn up on the day.

People will have an opportunity to find out more about the Levelling Up Fund programme in Weston and share memories, stories and experiences of Grove Park, Marine Lake and the town centre.

There will be a variety of imaginative activities for people to take part in, including illustration, poetry, arts and crafts to help get creative ideas flowing in informal, fun and inclusive ways.

Sprout Café will serve up delicious Middle Eastern food with Global Kitchen, provided thanks to funding from Refugees Welcome North Somerset and Loves Café. Live music will be performed on the bandstand during the event.

Councillor Mark Canniford, North Somerset Council’s executive member for spatial planning, placemaking and economy, said: “The Levelling Up Funded programme will help reinvent iconic heritage buildings, support local businesses, create new jobs, and deliver a year-round experience-led economy for the future. Investment is focussed on making maximum impact at several high-profile sites across Weston’s town centre and seafront.

“It’s a key priority for the council to involve the local community in shaping plans, and one of the reasons that we chose We Made That as our preferred supplier. I urge people to come along and get involved in this exciting event. Now’s your chance to make a difference and directly influence positive change in our town.”

Councillor Mike Solomon, the council's executive member responsible for seafronts, parks and culture, added: “We’re often asked about these much-loved places, and it’s fantastic to have this opportunity to transform the culture, leisure and retail experience for residents, business, and visitors. I’m excited to see impactful designs, and ultimately positive change, emerging from this programme of engagement.”

Holly Lewis, co-founding partner at We Made That, said: “We’re thrilled to be supporting North Somerset Council and the communities of Weston-super-Mare to deliver meaningful improvements to some of their favourite places, including Grove Park and Marine Lake. Building on past engagement events, our ‘Grove Park Gathering’ will be a great chance to embed local creative ideas into the proposals.”

For more information, visit For more information about the Grove Park Gathering, visit