Children, young people and families
Child safeguarding
Find out more about our child safeguarding services on our dedicated website, and report concerns about a child who might be at risk of abuse
Services for disabled children
Find out about short breaks for disabled children and how we support children with disabilities and special educational needs
SEND Hub (Local Offer)
Our SEND Hub has lots of useful information about special educational needs and disabilities and explains what support is available in North Somerset
Early Help
Find out more about our Early Help service, which provides extra support for young people and families
Fostering and adoption
Find information on how to adopt or foster a child or young person in North Somerset
Children's centres and childcare
Find your local children's centre and get information about the different types of childcare and how to become a childminder
Health and wellbeing for the under 5s
Where to get advice and support for very young children, including breastfeeding support, speech therapy, and parenting programmes
Youth services
Information on careers advice for young people, mentoring, and court procedures for young offenders
Portage and inclusion
Find out more about our practitioner service, which supports families to learn and play together through structured teaching
Children's licences and permits
Find out about the minimum ages children can work and how to apply for licences
Ofsted report - children's services
Ofsted have published their report following the inspection of our children’s services in March 2023.