Employment support for residents and businesses in North Somerset


The third and final year of the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme has begun helping residents and businesses gain new employment skills, obtain expert support and advice, create new opportunities, and build pride in their communities. 

Throughout this final year, North Somerset Council is encouraging residents to benefit from a range of UKSPF employment support in collaboration with local partners including:  

  • Relaunching Opportunity North Somerset, which assesses and triages residents so they can access the best employment and skills support for their needs, delivered with expert partners. 
  • Moving Up North Somerset – support for economically inactive young people and adults, and those in-work who want to progress their careers. 
  • Empower – support for those with learning difficulties and autism to find and maintain meaningful employment. 
  • Women’s Work Lab – support for women to return to work after a period of childcare. 
  • Step Forward – support to boost confidence and develop new skills with a particular focus on volunteering. 
  • Business Support Unlocked – free advice, training and workshops on subjects including self-employment, setting up an enterprise, and advice for established businesses. 
  • Aftercare – provided by Broadway Lodge to help people recovering from addiction to gain new skills and feel confident accessing work. 

Moving Up North Somerset, Empower, Women’s Work Lab, and Step Forward can be accessed via Opportunity North Somerset

North Somerset Council will also continue to support the local area through other very popular UKSPF grant programmes, such as the Community Grants, Rural Grants, Net Zero Business Grants, and Occupancy Grants

The past two years have showcased the breadth of activities made possible by UKSPF funding, from protecting the region’s green spaces through the employment of a Parks and Countryside Ranger to supporting employment via job skills and business support.  

Residents and businesses who want to become more carbon neutral  have also benefitted from a free home energy advice helpline, business grants for renewable and energy efficiency measures, and the largest ever in-person Carbon Literacy event to help reduce businesses carbon footprint.  

Delivering UKSPF and the Rural England Prosperity Fund is part of the council’s aims to support business growth, give residents, communities and businesses access to skills support and jobs, support rural areas, community empowerment, and support 2030 net-zero commitments.  

Councillor Mark Canniford, North Somerset Council’s Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy, said: “It’s been fantastic to see just how many businesses and residents have made use of the help and support, thanks to UKSPF funding. With 56 projects funded so far, including individual grants, the positive impact of this funding on our area is only set to continue. 

“As we enter the final year, I’d urge all those who are eligible to look into what support might be available, from growing your business sustainably to trying a new career path.” 

Councillor Catherine Gibbons, Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council and Executive Member for Children’s Services, Families, and Lifelong Learning said: “I’m delighted to see the council’s work to support resident’s skills development going from strength to strength in North Somerset. These initiatives are truly worthwhile and without dedicated work across the region we would be unable to offer such a wide range of support.  

“I look forward to sharing more of the positive outcomes from these schemes over the following year. Read about some of them here: Case Studies | In North Somerset” 

Visit: UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) | In North Somerset