More information about how to get in touch with us if you need extra guidance and support, or if you want to report a concern around adult safeguarding
An outline of the things we can help you with in Adult Social Care, how to get in touch with us, and details of our Local Account report
Find out the many ways we can help and support you, from living independently in your own home, to getting out and about into the community, and everything in between
More information about housing options we can provide if you need care and can't live independently in your home anymore
Information and advice for carers and young carers including an assessment for carers to identify what support they need and information about respite care
Support for young residents of North Somerset aged 18 - 25 years who have care and support needs through into adulthood
Find a downloadable list of the policies and strategies that support our work in Adult Social Care
Find out more about the job opportunities available in Adult Social Services, Occupational Therapy, and Care