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Discharge of condition - drainage

Discharge requirements

In order to discharge these conditions, please submit the following:

  • scaled plans showing the location of a proposed installation, including any drainage field or outfall
  • details of any proposed soak away, including sections and volume capacity
  • percolation test results where outfall is to ground – the test works out the absorption rate of soil for a septic drain field
  • confirmation that an Environment Agency discharge permit is required or that the installation meets the exemption
  • supporting statements detailing if the non-mains drainage system will have adverse effects
  • a copy of advice received from Wessex Water (only needed if you are connecting to a main sewer)

Sustainable drainage systems

If a sustainable drainage system is being considered as part of an application, conditions may apply.

Where possible, we encourage the use of sustainable drainage systems to manage surface and groundwater. Benefits include:

  • reducing flood rise
  • decreasing diffuse pollution
  • maintaining or restoring natural flow directions
  • improving water supply
  • improving services

Please note, we do not accept applications for sustainable drainage that discharges surface water into an existing foul drainage system.

Wayleaves and easements

A wayleave is a method that provides rights for a company to install and retain cabling or piping across private land. It is a temporary arrangement and does not automatically transfer to new land owners or occupiers.

An easement (or deed of grant) is a one-off payment giving permanent access rights to install and maintain infrastructure or equipment. Easements can be registered at the Land Registry in order to make sure future land owners stick to them.

Non-mains foul drainage

There are three types of non-mains foul drainage:

  • package sewage treatment plants
  • septic tanks
  • cesspools

When drawing up sewerage proposals, you must discharge into a public sewer when a connection is available and usable.

Package sewage treatment plants

When connection to a public sewer is not possible, you must consider a package sewage treatment plant which includes a mixture of treatment processes. The plant should offer full treatment, with the final effluent discharge meeting Environment Agency standards.

Septic tanks

Systems including septic tanks should only be considered when a mains or package treatment plant solution is not possible.

Septic tanks must be assessed to confirm there will be no adverse effects on the environment, amenity and public health. Assessment must include a thorough examination of the impact of disposal of the final effluent, whether it is discharged to a watercourse or disposed of by soaking into the ground.

A proposal likely to lead to environmental, amenity, or public health problems will be refused planning permission.

Other consents

Anyone working in, or close to, a watercourse or river needs to find out if land drainage consent (or flood defence consent) is needed. This makes sure works do not increase the risk of flooding or cause harm to the water environment. Authorities responsible for land drainage consents are:

  • The Environment Agency – for consents about works on rivers
  • The Internal Drainage Board – for consents about works on watercourses within their administrative boundaries
  • North Somerset Council – for consents about works on ordinary watercourses outside the administrative boundary of the internal drainage board

It is the applicant’s responsibility to find out if they need any additional consents and to obtain them when required.

To discharge a drainage condition from your planning application, please apply and pay using the Planning Portal website.