Passenger experience

Travelwest offers complete travel and transport information for the West of England area, including journey planning, bus timetables and service changes.

If you are looking to share feedback about a particular bus service, please contact the bus operators directly. Travelwest can help you to get in touch with different bus operators for service feedback, lost property and other queries.

If you want some extra support, you can contact our travel advisers:

Top tips to catch a bus

Plan your journey  

Planning your route in advance will help give you an idea of:  

  • how long the journey might take 
  • which bus routes are best for you (there may be more than one)  
  • which bus stops you need to get on and off at
  • when and how often the buses run on that route 

Printed timetables are on display at all bus stops. Many stops show real time information so you can see when the next bus will arrive. Or if you have a smartphone, our real time information app gives you arrival times, nearby stops and more.  

Getting on the bus 

Make sure you’re at the bus stop a few minutes before your bus is due. As the bus approaches:  

  • check the number and destination displayed on the front of the bus
  • the destination needs to be in the same direction as yours – if it’s not, you’re on the wrong side of the road
  • raise your arm to signal to the driver that you want to get on 

Paying your fare 

The bus driver will sell you the best ticket for your journey.

  • have your money ready when you get on
  • tell the driver where you are going and if you require a single or return ticket (please note return fares are not available on some services)  
  • pay the driver the fare, then take your ticket and keep it safe 

Fares are set by the bus operator so visit their website if you want more information about fares and ticket options. If you plan to make the journey regularly, you may save money with weekly, monthly or annual tickets.  

Enjoy the journey 

Once you’ve paid, sit down and relax.  

Many buses have special seating areas at the front for passengers who are elderly or have disabilities. Wheelchairs have a dedicated space and often there’s a ‘buggy zone’ too.  

Getting off the bus  

As you approach the stop where you want to get off:  

  • ring the bell once to tell the driver to stop the bus  
  • if you won’t recognise the stop in advance, ask the driver to help when you get on 
  • sometimes other passengers can be very helpful too