About Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs)

BSIPs are regional initiatives funded by the UK Government to strengthen bus services across the UK. It is a two-year national grant that has been awarded to selected regions including North Somerset. The aim is to address local issues and make bus services:

  • reliable
  • frequent
  • faster
  • greener
  • affordable
  • accessible
  • an attractive alternative to the car

This is so that by 2025-26 bus services can become commercially self-sustaining once the funding ends.

In 2022 we received over £105 million from the Department for Transport (DfT). This was the second largest grant awarded nationally and is specifically to improve bus services by 2025. We have split our funding into two sections:

  • £48m is for bus infrastructure improvements in North Somerset
  • £57.5m is revenue funding for increasing customers and improving passenger journeys across the North Somerset and West of England Combined Authority (WECA) region under our Enhanced Partnership

Our goal is to increase bus use and create a bus network that is financially sustainable. It will reflect our commitment to creating bus transport that is greener and more affordable than running a car. We want to avoid having to cut local bus services like we did in 2022 by getting more people onboard our buses. 

The BSIP is a fantastic opportunity to invest in the bus services our communities have told us they want and need. By making public transport a better option for residents and visitors, we can:

  • reduce the number of cars on our roads
  • reduce emissions
  • improve local air quality
  • help North Somerset reach its net zero target

This means there’s a lot of work to do and we need North Somerset residents’ help to get there.