Bus service improvements in North Somerset

Our Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) represents an immense effort to create an improved bus network for our residents within tight government timelines. We want to avoid having to cut local bus services like we did in 2022 by getting more people onboard.

Reliability of bus services is the most important thing to our communities. To achieve that reliability, we need to reduce average bus journey times.

Our local population is also expected to grow to more than double the national average by 2031. So it's important we have a public transport system fit for now and future generations.

How we will do this

We will save minutes on travel time by making infrastructure improvements at key congested areas where buses are currently delayed. We will also improve areas where demand for bus services and road-based travel is expected to grow.

We're investing £48 million in bus priority schemes across our three key bus corridors; the A38, A370 and A369. Their purpose is to help buses through congestion points along the entire bus corridor.

Many of our BSIP schemes aim to meet future passenger demand by increasing bus service capacity, performance and patronage. We want to make affordable sustainable bus travel the first choice for more people.

Our current bus service and fare initiatives include free bus travel offers for residents and the £2 bus fare cap. Alongside these, the infrastructure changes we’re implementing and engaging with communities on include:

  • introducing dedicated bus lanes and smart new traffic signals to give bus services priority in key areas and at peak times. These will help to minimise bus delays, increase reliability and secure their long-term commercial viability for our communities.
  • better crossings and pavements for pedestrians, cyclists and others using lower-carbon forms of transport. This will improve travel experience and encourage people to walk, wheel and cycle wherever possible
  • creating inviting new bus transport hubs and giving many of our existing stops and shelters a facelift. This will improve the waiting environment and connectivity experience for communities and bus users

visit our bus infrastructure schemes page to learn more about the different projects that are currently underway and proposed for North Somerset

How bus service improvements will benefit you

Better bus network and journeys

Communities will have access to frequent and reliable public transport options.

Affordable travel

We're making bus travel more affordable than running a car with lower fares, and consistent passes and payment options. Our current package of lower fares and reliable services has resulted in a 19% increase in customers since April 2023 across our local network. Along our inter-urban corridors there is a 24% increase.


With more reliable bus services across North Somerset, passengers can trust buses to turn up at the right time and the right place. Introducing new bus priority schemes are an important way to make this happen.  

Safer journeys

We will make sure you can complete your journey safely and securely with all buses equipped with the right safety features.

Simple bus service information

Easy to understand information with personalised travel planning and full online information. There will be simpler routes, common numbering and co-ordinated timetables.

More accessible transport

We want to make sure everyone has equal access to bus travel. We will be developing demand responsive bus services, improving wheelchair access and providing easy to understand information. 

A greener, cleaner environment

Transport is responsible for 42% of carbon emissions in North Somerset (excluding aviation or shipping). By taking the bus, you'll be choosing a better option for our communities and the environment. This will help us to reach our 2030 net zero target.

We’re also planning to invest in zero emission vehicles. We aim to deliver at least 75% zero and ultra-low emission buses, followed by a fully zero-emission fleet, by 2035.


BSIP will provide those with no other means of transport to travel across North Somerset in a safe and convenient way. It will provide easy routes to school and college for our young people and support our elder population to be independent for longer.

Commercial sustainability

The BSIP government funding offers a once in a life-time opportunity to create a sustainable and popular bus service for North Somerset. When the funding is over, we will have a bus network our local communities need that we do not need to subsidise. 

About the Enhanced Partnership

In 2022 we launched an enhanced partnership with the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). This enabled us to work closer together to secure more than £105.5m in UK Government funding to improve bus services across North Somerset.

The West of England Enhanced Partnership is a legally binding agreement with bus operators in the region to provide:

  • better ticketing and passenger information
  • lower fares
  • investment in bus priority measures
  • new and improved services

The funding means we, along with WECA, will:

  • make changes to help buses get through traffic so they run more reliably
  • improve the frequency of buses on well-used routes
  • develop demand responsive transport to meet the needs of more rural communities


View upcoming dates for the Enhanced Partnership (EP) Advisory Panel and EP Board on the West of England Combine Authority (WECA) website: Bus Service Improvement Plan - West of England Combined Authority (westofengland-ca.gov.uk)

To view the agendas for each meeting, and to find out more about the EP Advisory Panel and EP Board, please see the West of England Combined Authority website: Bus Service Improvement Plan - West of England Combined Authority (westofengland-ca.gov.uk) 

Panel membership

Contact us

Should you have questions, please get in touch via email with either

  • your stakeholder group representative on the EP Advisory Panel 
  • your local transport authority (LTA)

Please put “Enhanced Partnership” in the subject line.

Find out more

Please note, the following December 2022 document is not fully accessible. We are working on an accessible version and will upload this when it is available.