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Bus travel

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

View the new West of England bus service improvement plan

Bus passes and free travel offers

Information about our Diamond Travelcard scheme, apply for or renew your bus pass and read about our Companion bus pass

Bus services and timetables

Links to TravelWest, a service that offers travel and transport information for the West of England area

Bus stops

Access real-time information about bus departure times, report damage and advertise on our bus stops

Passenger experience

Tips for catching the bus including the bus operators passenger charter, personal travel planning and safety

Free birthday bus travel

How to sign up to get free bus travel during your birthday month

WESTlink on demand bus service

More information about the WESTlink service, a new on demand bus service that can be booked via app, phone or online

Bus user forums

Recordings of online forums covering information on bus services, infrastructure and initiatives