Privacy notice - web streaming

North Somerset Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the purposes of processing personal data. The information you provide will be held and used in accordance with the requirements of UK and European data protection law. The information will be held as a publicly accessible record for a period of three years from the date of the meeting and will include images of you captured at the meeting and any audio contribution you make that is picked up by the microphones in the council chamber.

We will only collect the minimum personal data required to demonstrate that our decision making is open and transparent. Video images will consist of wide shots of the council chamber; close-ups of individual officers and members will not be captured. Only those members of the public who have elected to speak at a council meeting or walk through the council chamber will appear in the webcast. The public viewing galleries are not in the field of view of the cameras. Audio for the stream will only be taken from the chamber microphone which does not pick up ambient noise from the public viewing galleries.

The information is used to further the accessibility of council meetings and improve an understanding of how we make decisions, tasks we carry out in the public interest under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulation 2014 and in accordance with Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR.

If you appear in the webcast, your image will be streamed live to the internet without restriction and will be available on-demand for a period of three years after the meeting. The information is streamed using the YouTube service offered by Google Inc. and is processed outside of the UK under the provisions afforded by the UK-US and US-EU Privacy Shield.

We may lawfully disclose information to public sector agencies to prevent or detect fraud or other crime, or to support the national fraud initiatives and protect public funds under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Under the conditions of the Digital Economy Act 2017, we may also share personal data provided to us with other public authorities as defined in the Act, for the purposes of fraud or crime detection or prevention, to recover monies owed to us, to improve public service delivery, or for statistical research. We do not share the information with other organisations for commercial purposes.

You have the right to see the personal data we process about you, as well as the right of objection, rectification and restriction. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the way we process your personal data, contact our Data Protection Officer at