
Get the latest news from North Somerset Council
Picture of Weston's high street by Paul Blakemore

11:36am - 19 January 2022

To help keep Weston town centre safe and clean for everyone North Somerset Council is tackling the issue of unattended items being left in shop doorways. 

Image shows a close up of a large body of water

10:39am - 19 January 2022

Newly published data shows a mixed picture for bathing water quality assessments in North Somerset.

A school street sign

12:40pm - 17 January 2022

Work to build an expanded school site for children with special educational needs and disabilities at Brookfield Walk in Clevedon can now begin following a court judgement that there is no case for judicial review of the planning and appropriation processes.

person holding a lateral flow test for covid-19 in their hands

5:09pm - 11 January 2022

North Somerset Council’s Covid-19 rapid testing vans are back on the road as testing rules change in England.

Family of four riding their bikes down a path with green trees behind them

9:37am - 11 January 2022

Funding is now available for companies, schools and community groups who want to introduce active travel initiatives.

mans hands holding a negative lateral flow test

3:16pm - 7 January 2022

Residents across North Somerset are asked to keep looking after each other as Covid rates climb.

school children sat in class talking to their teacher

5:24pm - 4 January 2022

Schools across North Somerset continue to work tirelessly to reduce the risk of Covid spreading.

a pride of lions standing astride cut down christmas trees

9:26am - 30 December 2021

People in North Somerset are being encouraged to donate their real Christmas trees this New Year to one of three local organisations.

new pound coins

12:14pm - 24 December 2021

Next month, North Somerset leisure and hospitality businesses will be able to apply for a new round of government business support grants. Earlier this week the Chancellor announced that £683 million of targeted grants will be made available for hospitality and leisure businesses in England. 

medical professional administering a vaccination into patient's arm via a syringe

3:15pm - 22 December 2021

A successful Covid-19 vaccination clinic is helping reduce health gaps in North Somerset.

elderly lady smiling with her carer

3:14pm - 21 December 2021

If you look after family or a friend who needs support and are not paid for it, then you are an unpaid ‘carer’ and support is available.

person in a white face mask holding a shop sign that says 'open'

2:42pm - 20 December 2021

Free support is available for people running an independent business.

hands of homeless person

3:41pm - 17 December 2021

Residents are being urged to report any concerns they have about people rough sleeping during the Christmas period.

mixed recycling

1:05pm - 17 December 2021

North Somerset is the best performing council in the south west for recycling according to the latest figures.

coins piled up with people stood on top of them

12:54pm - 17 December 2021

North Somerset Council has received more than £2.8m of government funding to support people and communities in need.