
Get the latest news from North Somerset Council
road closed signs

11:35am - 11 February 2022

A major North Somerset road will be closed for a £70,000 upgrade later this month.

A group of people riding bikes

3:19pm - 9 February 2022

Work to build missing sections of a long-awaited cycle route between Clevedon and Weston-super-Mare has moved forward with the upgrading of a public path.

A woman smiling at an elderly lady

10:00am - 9 February 2022

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (BNSSG ICS) will receive more than half a million pounds worth of funding to help people living in care homes by using innovative digital technology.

new pound coins

9:15am - 9 February 2022

North Somerset Council members will meet next week to set the budget for the year ahead and are expected to approve a financial strategy which protects vital council-services while also investing an extra £40m in long-term local projects to improve services for children, green initiatives and local facilities.

Learn to Code workshop at Portishead Library

3:29pm - 8 February 2022

Libraries in North Somerset are hosting an exciting new digital skills programme this Spring.

Christmas presents wrapped in brown paper

3:56pm - 7 February 2022

North Somerset Council is thanking local residents for thinking about their carbon footprint over the recent festive period.

A graphic which shows a voucher with the amount of £2,500 written on it

12:57pm - 7 February 2022

Eligible businesses across North Somerset are invited to apply for vouchers that will help them start-up, stabilise and grow.

Santa trail winner

9:21am - 7 February 2022

A winner has been chosen for Weston’s Father Christmas trail that took part at the end of last year.

lightbulbs 2

9:41am - 4 February 2022

A disability group which brings together people from across North Somerset is looking for new members.

Man holding a finger up text says give HIV the finger, National HIV Testing Week  7 - 15 February

9:35am - 4 February 2022

North Somerset residents are being urged to ‘give HIV the finger’ and take a simple test to find out their HIV status as part of National HIV Testing week (7 to 13 February).


9:24am - 4 February 2022

A number of new weight loss programmes are now available in North Somerset to help residents achieve a healthy weight.

North Somerset Council waste bins lined up outside a house ready for collection

5:10pm - 3 February 2022

As part of North Somerset Council’s work towards the area becoming carbon neutral by 2030, new plans for recycling and waste have been agreed.

Photo showing a set of traffic lights on green indicating go

3:53pm - 3 February 2022

Following the completion of some additional work this week and independent safety checks, Weston-super-Mare's new town centre bus hub will open on Sunday 6 February.


6:47pm - 2 February 2022

North Somerset Council Leader Cllr Don Davies has expressed his “extreme disappointment” at the inspectors’ decision. 

roadworks stop sign

6:00pm - 1 February 2022

The new bus interchange in Alexandra Parade in Weston-super-Mare, which was due to start being used by local buses last weekend, had its opening delayed following a final safety check on Friday afternoon by North Somerset Council and First Bus.