Before you apply (in year transfers)

Find and compare schools on GOV.UK

Use the GOV.UK search tool to compare primary and secondary schools. 

This search tool allows you to:

  • search for schools by postcode
  • check school Ofsted ratings
  • filter schools by religion or school type

Use the right address

You must use your child's current home address when applying. We may ask you to send us proof of address.

We do checks on addresses. If an application is found to be fraudulent or deliberately misleading, we will withdraw the offer of a place, even if a child has started at a school.

Parents who do not live together

If you share custody of a child and you do not live together, you should use the address of the parent your child lives with for most of the time on your application. 

Full details can be found in our parent guides.

We cannot resolve disputes between parents about school place applications, only the parents or the courts can do this. 

Check if you live in the school's First Geographical Area

Some, but not all, schools give priority to children who live within their First Geographical Area or other priority area.

Living in a school's First Geographical Area does not guarantee your child a place at the school. However, they are likely to receive a higher priority over children who live outside of it.

Check how your child will travel to school

You should check that your child will be able to get to the schools that you are applying for.

Children can get help with transport to their nearest qualifying school if it is over the walking distance set out by legislation.

Check your child's chances of getting a place

Each school has its own admissions arrangements. These are used to decide which children to offer a place to if there are more applications than places available.

You should read the admissions arrangements for each of the schools you want to apply for. This will help you to check what chance your child has of getting a place. 

If a school is already full, then the admissions arrangements will be used to determine the order of the waiting list.