How to apply (in year transfers)

In year transfer applications won’t be considered until 21 school days before the school place is required (35 days if you’re moving house).

 This doesn’t include families of UK service personnel with a confirmed posting or crown servants returning from overseas. 

Applications to transfer in September will be considered from 1 June each year.

You must only apply if you have parental responsibility for the child. 

Parental Responsibility is defined under the Children Act 1989 as being:

all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities, and authority which, by law, a parent of a child has. 

Please see our parent guide for more information.

Where to send your application

Almost all schools in North Somerset are Own Admission Authority Schools, such as Academy’s. These are run by the school’s governing body or Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and not the council. This includes the responsibility for school admissions. 

We currently assist schools with admissions services. What they require from us may vary. 

For example: 

  • some schools require the application to be made directly to the school and the school processes it themselves
  • some schools require the application to be made to us and the school makes the decision to offer or refuse a place
  • some schools require the application to be made to us and we make the admissions decision on their behalf

Applications for the following schools must be made directly to the school. Details of how to do this will be on the school’s website.

Primary schools

Secondary schools

Applications for mainstream schools within North Somerset that are not mentioned above can be submitted to us. Please use the below online application service or paper application form. 

Either we or the school will make the decision to offer or refuse a place, depending on what the school has delegated to us. 

If the school makes their own decision, we will coordinate this and let you know the outcome.

Applying online

The quickest and easiest way to apply for a school place is online.

To apply online you will need to set up an account on the Citizens Portal, our online admissions system.

It will take you up to 20 minutes to apply. You’ll receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your application.

If you do not receive this email and have checked your junk/spam emails, you should assume your application has not been received.

 Please log back into your account and complete and resubmit your application.

Applying via paper form

Alternatively, you can send us a paper application form.