Moving schools (in year transfers)

If you have school age children, we strongly urge you to check school place availability before you commit to moving to or within North Somerset. Certain areas and year groups have very limited or no spaces available. The nearest school with a vacancy may be a far distance from where you plan to live.

There is no guarantee that siblings will be offered a place at the same school, a school in the same area, or at schools in the same direction.

Important points to consider

If your child is having difficulties in school, it is important to first contact your child's teacher to try and resolve the issue. Moving your child from school should always be a last resort.

The 2013 RSA report on in year admissions found that pupils who make in-year moves have a much lower completion rate than their peers. It is lower still among pupils who make multiple in-year moves.

Results in English and maths for children at Key Stage 2 dropped:

  • 12 percent following one in year move
  • 17 percent for two moves
  • 25 percent for three moves

Only 27 percent of pupils who move schools three times or more during secondary school achieved five A* to C grade GCSEs. This is compared to the national average of 60 percent.

If your child is at a critical stage of their education (year 10 or 11), it is likely your child's new school will not use the same exam boards as their current school. If this is the case, you may not be able to use any work your child has already done towards their GCSEs. This could have a damaging effect on your child’s exam results.

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

We are not able to process applications for children with EHCP’s. Please contact your SEN case officer.

Foreign nationals

If you are a foreign national and you

  • do not usually live in the UK and;
  • want to apply for a state-funded school place

You will need to ensure your children have the accepted immigration status that allows them to enter a UK state-funded school. 

If your child is classed as vulnerable

We have a policy called the Fair Access Protocol. This requires that we find a school place for vulnerable children if they do not find a place through the usual application process. This applies to all schools in North Somerset.

If you think the policy applies to your child, let us know when you complete your application. We will then contact you for more information.