Day services for adults with dementia

Day services help adults with dementia to keep doing things for themselves, so they can stay well for longer. They also offer those caring for someone with dementia the opportunity to take a break from their caring role.  

Day services aim to

  • help people to maintain their interests and hobbies 
  • help people get involved in daily activities
  • provide an environment where people living with dementia feel safe in talking about how they feel

Activities we offer

Types of activities we offer can include

  • conversation and discussion using magazines, papers, and finding common interests
  • use of iPads to build memory trees, look up important places, and take photos
  • reminiscence supported by knowledge and information provided by family carers 
  • creative arts and crafts through pottery, drawing, and painting
  • games, puzzles, and quizzes
  • music and singing 
  • physical activities 
  • trips to places of interest, including museums and outside events
  • keeping contact with the wider community by accessing activities run by other groups

Services available

There are a range of day services for adults with dementia throughout North Somerset. Some are held in purpose-built day centres, like Tamar Court in Worle, or in community settings such as a local church or care home. 

There are also other organisations who offer one to one and/or smaller group activities in the community. Some examples include ALIVE in Clevedon, Nailsea and Portishead, or in the home of a host, for example The Filo Project.  

Organisations providing day services for adults with dementia work closely with all other professionals to ensure that people’s needs are met. This can involve signposting to other agencies and supporting reviews of people’s care and support needs. 

Who the service is for

We can offer these services for any adult with a diagnosis of dementia or awaiting a diagnosis. 

Find out if you are entitled for funding for these services

We can check whether you might be entitled to funding support for day services. 

If you think you might be eligible for support, you can contact North Somerset Council Care Connect. 

They will arrange for an adult social services worker to visit to help establish your eligible care and support needs and then support with a financial assessment if required. For more information, see our getting started website section. 

Care Connect

Self funding 

If you would like to arrange and pay for day services yourself, you can approach providers directly using the Woodspring and Weston, Worle and Villages dementia directories. You can also speak to your GP or the Alzheimer's Society. 

Support for carers

If you are already a carer for, or intend to care for someone with dementia, you are entitled to a carers assessment.  

Please visit our dedicated section of the website for more information about the help and support available for carers.