I need help finding my own care or care provider

If you pay for your own care and need help finding care or a care provider, you can sign on to our Care Navigator service. 

About the Care Navigator service

The care navigator service is a free service for people aged 18 and over who are responsible for paying for their own social care. 

Social care is centred on improving well-being and enabling people to live as independent a life as possible. 

For example, it can support people with

  • personal care 
  • mealtimes 
  • shopping 

Care navigators provide information regarding care and support options and signpost to services in the local community. 

Who can use the service

People responsible for paying for their own social care include those who: 

  • have over £23,250 in savings (or £46,500 in joint savings)
  • do not wish to disclose their finances
  • do not meet the eligibility criteria following a care assessment completed by North Somerset Council
  • do not wish to have an assessment of their care needs completed by North Somerset Council

Care navigators can offer advice to people who live at home, in a care home or people who are being discharged from hospital. 

How they can help

Care navigators can help by

  • providing free impartial advice and use local knowledge to tailor a service to meet individual needs and help achieve best value for money 
  • providing support via a telephone call or a home visit 
  • aiding access to a range of community services in North Somerset 
  • giving you lists of care agencies and care homes 
  • advising you on all the options to deliver the care package you need so that you can choose what suits you best 
  • advising on Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payments, Carers Allowance and funded nursing care 

How to access the service

To make a referral or for more information call our Care Connect service.

Care Connect