I want help to live at home

We want to support people to live as independently as they can where they live their lives. 

For many people that might mean using equipment, adaptations, and other services to stay in their own home. 

Even if you are dependent on others for some or all of your needs, we can still offer choices and support to help.

Help finding my own care or care provider (Care navigator service)

More information about our Care Navigator service, which helps you find care or a care provider if you are responsible for paying for your own support

Employing a personal assistant (PA)

More information about using your direct payments to hire a personal assistant (PA) or to pay a family member or friend to provide care

Personal care and domestic help (Domiciliary care)

More information about domiciliary care, a range of care services you can receive in your own home, to help you cope with disability or illness

Choosing a home care provider

Some things to consider when you are looking at choosing a care service to help support you in your own home

Services that can support me

More information about our other support services, including Carelink, Meals on Wheels, and the Wellness Service

Connecting Lives

More information about the Connecting Lives service that helps adults with care and support needs to live more independently

Occupational therapy

More information about how our Occupational Therapy team can help support you to live in your own home by providing support with equipment and adaptations

Equipment and adaptations

Our bank of resources on what equipment and adaptations are available for us to help you live independently at home, and how to request access to them

Day services for adults with dementia

More information about day services for care and support of adults with dementia, or those awaiting a diagnosis

Support if you are leaving hospital or recovering from injury or illness

More information about our Technology Enabled Care and Reablement Intervention (TRI) team, who can help you at home after a hospital discharge, or during a period of rest and recovery