Offer day for new school places

Secondary school places for September are usually announced on 1 March. However, as this is a Saturday in 2025 the outcomes will be released on Monday 3 March.

Primary school places for September 2025 are announced on 16 April.

If you applied online, you will be able to view your allocated school place on the Citizens Portal from midnight on the national offer day. We will also email you from 5am onwards on the same day.

If you emailed or posted an application form and included an email address, we will email you the outcome from 10am onwards on the national offer day.

If you emailed or posted an application form and did not put an email address, we will post you a letter on the national offer day. This will be sent second class so may take some time to get to you.

You will have two weeks to respond to your outcome. Please take your time to read all the information made available to you. There is no need to rush. 

Accepting your school place

If you are happy with your allocated school place, you will need to accept it.

Accepting the offer will secure the school place. You can still be added to waiting list(s) and/or appeal for any school where you have been refused a place. 

Rejecting your offer

Rejecting the offer will mean that a place will not be held for your child and may be offered to another applicant. If you reject a school place, we strongly encourage you to submit new preferences and/or go on to waiting lists.

We will not automatically offer an alternative school place unless a new application is received. By offering a school place, we have fulfilled our statutory duty, and it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that their child is in receipt of education.

If your child did not get a place at any of your preferred schools

If your child did not qualify for a place at any of your preferred schools, we will usually offer a place at the closest school with an available place.

You can do one or more of the following:

  • accept the place offered
  • request that your child’s name is put on a waiting list for your preference school(s)
  • appeal
  • make a new application with new school preferences.

Waiting lists

If you would like to be added to the waiting list you must contact us to let us know. You are not added automatically.

In line with the School Admissions Code, a child may only have one offer of a place at a time. 

This means that when a child is offered a place from the waiting list, it will result in any other offer of a place being automatically withdrawn.

If you have decided to keep the offered school place and no longer wish to stay on a waiting list, it is imperative that you contact us and ask to be taken off the waiting list.

Making new preferences

You can make new preferences by applying again using a paper application form.

If a place can be offered from the new application, any school place already offered or accepted will automatically be withdrawn.

You will be informed of the outcome of your new application during the next round of offers.

You can find our paper application form on our submit your application for a school place webpage.

You will be informed of the outcome of your new application during the next round of allocations.

You may want to make new preference(s) and join the waiting list for your other original preference(s). 

Please be aware that you can only have up to three preferences. If you wish to do this, please make it clear on the new paper application form when you submit it.

If a place can be offered from the new application, any school place already offered or accepted will be automatically withdrawn.

Places available

There are some schools in North Somerset which may have places available. 

Please be aware that this information is a snapshot in time. It cannot be guaranteed that a place will be offered if you apply for it, as other families may be applying as well.

This information will be made available once the outcomes have been released.

Oversubscribed schools

We publish details of how places were offered at the oversubscribed schools in North Somerset for the bulk intakes.

St Anne's Church Academy site allocation

Admission to St Anne’s Church Academy is to the school only and not to any particular site. Attendance at your preferred site cannot be guaranteed.

This document explains your options if you are offered a place at St Anne’s Church Academy.

Offer day timeline

A timeline of important dates is available in our parent guide. This includes:,

  • when to respond to the offer by
  • closing and offering dates for the second admissions round
  • and when appeals start to be heard