Householder applications

To find out if you need to submit a planning application for your household improvements, please see our check if you need planning permission page.

Planning application requirements

In order for your householder planning application to be valid you must include the correct drawings and information. 

Finding out what drawings and information must be submitted is quick and easy using our free  Householder Planning Application Requirements form. 

Once completed you will be provided with a PDF document which explains what information is required for your application to be valid. 

By submitting this document with your application you

  • will no longer need to submit an Ecological Checklist and;
  • we will be able to check and register your application quicker

If you don’t want to use the form above you can read the information below to find out what is required.

Other materials needed for your application

To submit a valid planning application, you will need to send the following:

Supporting documents

You will also need to send us the supporting documents detailed in the following links, if relevant to your application.

If any of the following items are not included with your application, you will need to explain why. Not providing information may result in your application being delayed or refused.

Planning map

Use the planning map to quickly identify the land use constraints at your site, which affect what information you need to include with your application. Simply tick ‘Householder proposal validation’ in the legend.

Note that the Inland Water and Woodland Stock layers both have 200m buffers added to comply with the requirements for when bat surveys are required.