Seafront safety

Always check the weather forecast and tide times before visiting. Make sure you know when the tide is coming in and when it’s going out. 

The tide can come in extremely fast along the North Somerset coast. Be careful not to get caught out.

Water safety video

Watch the video below to learn more about water safety in Weston-super-Mare. 


Parking on the beach in Weston-super-Mare is restricted to designated parking areas only. There is a 10mph speed limit in force. 

Please always check the tide times and adhere to the ‘do not park beyond this point’ or ‘remove vehicle by’ signage. 


Safety and warning signs along the seafront and on the beach are there for a reason. Please read them and make sure to follow guidance. Children and non-swimmers must be supervised at all times.

We regularly patrol the main beach in Weston each day. You’ll see our Seafront Rangers in branded trucks. 

They operate between

  • 7AM to 10PM from April to September
  • 8AM to 8PM from October to March

The rangers work hard to keep everyone safe. This includes working closely with other emergency services including HM Coastguard, the RNLI and Avon Fire and Rescue Service. 

Lost child or don't feel safe?

There is 24-hour CCTV in operation along Weston seafront. 

In the case of a lost child or you don’t feel safe, call 01934 634 711 to speak to an operator in our CCTV control room

Our CCTV control room operators are in direct radio contact with our seafront rangers and other emergency services. They will send someone to your location to assist when necessary. 

First Aid

Always dial 999 in case of an emergency.

Our seafront rangers are also trained to provide first aid. They are first responder trained and carry mobile defibrillators and medical oxygen. 


The nearest defibrillators are at these locations

  1. Tropicana  
  2. Revo  
  3. RNLI Lifeboat Station at Marine Lake
  4. The RNLI Building at Marine Lake
  5. Grand Pier - the defibrillator is located in their quiet/First Aid room on the first floor of the pavilion.