Event management

There are lots of things you need to consider when organising an event. You should review the subjects on this page and take action where any of them apply to your event.


If you are using our land, property or facilities, you must arrange public liability insurance with at least £5m in coverage. The insurance must cover the entire length of the event.

You’ll need to ensure that any third parties, such as contractors and entertainers, also have their own public liability insurance with at least £5m cover.

You must send proof of your cover and that of any third parties to us using the Event App website. You will be able to do this when you are invited to complete a full application after your proposal is approved.

If you want to include third-party risk under your own insurance, you’ll need to send us written confirmation from your insurers.

Safety Advisory Group

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is coordinated by us and made up of representatives from the council, emergency services, and other relevant bodies. The SAG aims to welcome and encourage events to take place in North Somerset while ensuring that they take place safely and successfully.  

Through consultation and joint work between us and our partners, including Avon and Somerset Police, South West Ambulance Service, and Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue, it aims to standardise the approach to all organised events. 

SAGs provide a forum for discussing and advising on public safety at an event. They aim to help organisers with the planning and management of an event and to encourage cooperation and coordination between all relevant agencies. They are non-statutory bodies, do not have legal powers or responsibilities, and are not empowered to approve or prohibit events. Event organisers and others involved in the running of an event retain the principal legal duties of ensuring public safety.

Your event may be assessed by the Event Safety Advisory Group, which will have an opportunity to review it. We will contact you if we or any external organisations within the SAG have questions or require any further information or if you are required to attend an SAG meeting. 

Fire safety

You will need a fire safety assessment as part of your application that includes:

  • measures to reduce the risk of fire breaking out or spreading on the premises
  • means of escape from the premises
  • measures to ensure that the means of escape can be safely and effectively used at all times
  • means for fighting fires on the premises
  • means for detecting fire and giving warning in case of fire on the premises
  • arrangements for action to be taken in the event of a fire – including the instruction and training of employees – plus measures to minimise the effects of the fire

You’ll also need to include measures for people with additional needs.

Emergency planning

You will need to provide an emergency plan for events with over 500 attendees or those with fenced sites. 

Counter terrorism

External and internal factors will influence attitudes toward counterterrorism planning. The national risk rating will affect expectations around planning, as will the time, nature, location and severity of any recent attacks. You need to consider whether your event is a potential target for terrorism.

Event management plan

You may need to write an event management plan (EMP) to support your application. 

This should document all the operational information, plans and policies you need to deliver your event safely, including demonstrating:

  • compliance with current licensing regulations and any conditions attached to a premises licence (if relevant)
  • compliance with current safety legislation and observing industry guidance
  • meeting other sustainability, environmental or ethical policies 

It is also essential that you have a reliable team of staff, contractors, and volunteers to support event planning and delivery.

The Purple Guide

The Purple Guide is the industry guidance to support duty holders and organisers with effective and safe event planning.

It contains lots of useful information for event organisers about subjects including:

  • water supply
  • medical support
  • accessibility
  • weather contingency
  • barriers and fencing

The Purple Guide requires a subscription fee that allows you to access the guide for 12 months.

The Purple Guide website

Noise management

Events should operate in harmony with their neighbours. A noise management plan (NMP) aims to put reasonable measures in place to reduce the noise impact of sources associated with the event. Particular attention should be paid to eliminating avoidable noise. 

Any noise that has the capacity to cause nuisance to residents or surrounding businesses is required to have a noise management plan. The noise management plan should be agreed with our environmental protection team at least eight weeks before the event takes place.

Environmental protection team

Dangerous substances and explosives

Special arrangements must be made for dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres.


The key aim for any event organiser is to ensure that children and vulnerable adults attending an event or activity are kept safe and free from harm. This should be in a written policy with a list of supporting documents and procedures.

Litter and waste management

All waste and recycling produced as part of the event is classed as commercial waste. This means it must be disposed of through an arrangement with a commercial waste and recycling contractor or taken to a licenced commercial waste disposal facility. 

If you wish to transport waste and recycling produced from your event, you will need to register as a lower-tier waste carrier.

Our commercial waste team can provide advice and quote to collect your events commercial waste and recycling.