Safeguarding adults in North Somerset

Adult safeguarding services and information

Visit our Safeguarding Adults Board website to find out more about adult safeguarding and the services we offer

More about the Adult Safeguarding Board

Find out more about the North Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (NSSAB) and their principles of work around adult safeguarding

Multi-agency risk management (MARM)

Find out more about our MARM process, designed to support individuals with high levels of risk who may need a multi-agency response

What is safeguarding

Safeguarding means protecting someone's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. 

It involves people and organisations working together to prevent and stop that abuse or neglect. 

All safeguarding support will respect the views, wishes, feelings and desired outcomes of the person at risk.

Who has safeguarding responsibilities

Protecting (safeguarding) people at risk of abuse and harm is everyone’s responsibility. 

If you see or know of someone who

  • is experiencing abuse or neglect or;
  • is at risk of abuse or neglect and;
  • who is unable to protect themselves

Please contact us at our Adult Social Care Safeguarding Services to tell us. Contact details are on this page. 

Under the Care Act 2014, North Somerset Council has a legal duty to respond when an adult with care and support needs is: 

  • experiencing or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and is;
  • unable to protect themselves

Who has care and support needs

Care and support needs may arise for people who are 

  • are frail due to age, ill health, physical disability or cognitive impairment or a combination of these
  • have a learning disability
  • have a physical disability and/or sensory impairment
  • have mental health needs
  • have a long term illness or health condition
  • experience issues relating to alcohol or substance misuse

Someone does not need to have care and support services in place in order to be referred for safeguarding support.  

If in doubt, and you are worried about someone’s safety, please contact us.   

Making safeguarding personal

When we conduct a safeguarding ‘enquiry’, we work closely with

  • the person at risk
  • our partners (such as the police)
  • those in the person’s support network

We work to understand what matters to them. 

We then agree a plan which helps keep the person at risk as safe as possible. This will take into account their wishes, feelings and desired outcomes.  

How to report a concern of abuse or neglect

If someone is in immediate danger, please call 999.  

To report a concern or ask for support, please contact either our 

  • Care Connect team or;
  • the Emergency Duty Team (if it is outside of normal working hours). 

Contact details have been included on this page. 

If you are deaf or hearing impaired 

  • text 'EDT' followed by your name and message to 60066 
  • you will be sent an immediate autoreply to confirm that your text has been received 
  • you will be contacted by an Emergency Duty Team officer via text, to discuss your concerns - this should happen within 30 minutes, although during busy periods this may take longer 
  • texts will cost your standard network rates 

Care Connect opening times are Monday to Friday 8AM ‐ 6PM. 

Outside of these times, please call the Emergency Duty Team, which is the second phone number listed.