Moving to a care home

Residential care means long-term care provided in a care home. It’s for people who need substantial help with their personal care who are unable to manage at home, even with things like assistive technology and home care.  

There are two main types of care homes

  • residential - they offer personal care, such as help with washing, dressing, going to the toilet and taking medication
  • nursing - they provide personal care and have qualified nurses on duty at all times. They can be suitable for people who require frequent medical attention

Things to consider

Moving to a care home is a big decision. Often there are a variety of ways to help you to live at home for longer. 

Everyone is entitled to information, advice and guidance and an assessment of their care and support needs prior to moving into care. This is regardless of their financial situation. 

By having an assessment from a trained worker, you will receive advice and guidance about support which is available to help you live independently for longer.  

You may wish to consider some of our home support services.

If you have made your decision

If you have already decided to go into care and you plan to fund this yourself, you can get advice and guidance from a Care Navigator about available options.

Care assessment

You will need to have a care assessment if you

  • have less than £23,250 in savings or assets and;
  • you require support from the local authority to fund your care and support

This is to determine if you are eligible for support to move into a care home. 

A trained social care worker will work with you to decide how your care needs can best be met taking account of your needs and preferences. 

They will also help you consider how you can remain as independent as possible for as long as possible and how your needs can be met in the most cost-effective way. 

If you reach a point in the future where your savings fall below the threshold, you can request an assessment of your needs. 

It is important to know that you will not automatically have your care paid for at this point. 

Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can complete an assessment and talk about your options.