Recycling and waste strategy

Have your say on proposed changes to black bin collections in North Somerset. The consultation is open until midday on Tuesday 7 May.

Our vision

We will be a leading authority in minimising waste and tackling the climate emergency. We want to change the way we all think about waste, as it is a resource to be utilised and value recovered. We will lead our communities to inspire sustainable actions and provide an open, fair, and green service.

We’re focused on working with:

  • residents
  • local community groups
  • businesses
  • town and parish councils

Our targets

  1. a reduction in residual waste (waste that is not recycled or reused) of 15% the level of 2019-20 by 2030
  2. a recycling rate of 70% by 2030
  3. maximise diversion of all non-recycling, kerbside collected household waste away from landfill and show year on year improvements
  4. review and update recycling facilities at all flat blocks, and continue to introduce food waste collections in phases in line with the Environment Act 2021 by 2024
  5. expand the commercial waste service to serve more businesses, schools, and events in North Somerset each year
  6. tackle incidents of litter and fly-tipping in North Somerset through improved reporting, increasing education, and enforcement activities
  7. improved appearance of our streets and open spaces
  8. progress towards a circular economy where waste is treated as a valuable resource rather than disposed of

Our areas for action

  • reducing waste
  • reuse
  • recycling
  • communications
  • commercial waste
  • composting
  • enforcement and tackling environmental crime
  • street cleansing
  • improving recycling centres
  • reviewing our service infrastructure and how to become closer to zero emissions
  • monitoring and measuring success

Our progress

If you would like to know more about what we’re going to do in each of these areas and how we will be monitoring our progress, please download a copy of our Recycling and Waste Strategy 2021-2030.

To read more about our progress in each area please download our annual progress report.