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North Somerset EPS training library

Welcome to the Educational Psychology Service online training library. We will be adding new topics to this library based on the feedback from schools, preschools and colleges.

A warm welcome to the EPS library

All our online training videos are free for education staff and parents in North Somerset. They are between five and nine minutes long and focus on useful tips for supporting children and young people. All videos feature subtitles.

EBSA (Emotionally Based School Avoidance)

Documents, resources, and training videos relating to the EBSA Pathway and the EBSA Pre-pathway can be found on our resource library page.

Working memory in the classroom

Our latest training series focuses on Working Memory and learning. There are four videos in this playlist which apply to all age ranges. 

The first introduces and defines working memory and guides teachers to identify students with working memory difficulties. The other videos cover ‘top tips’ for classroom learning support for young people with difficulties with working memory.


You can earn a certificate for completing this training module, and also help guide the training we make in the future, by kindly completing our online evaluation form.

Please visit the EPS shared drive for further information, including:

  • guides for learning support and;
  • examples of memory aids and memory assessments.

Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and learning

On this page, please find links to videos 

  • introducing the topic of ASC and learning
  • how to create autism aware learning environments and; 
  • some of the top activities to help students with ASC develop their skills for learning.

There are videos for each phase of education, including the 0-5 early years phase, the primary school phase (5-11), and the secondary and post-16 phase (11-18). 

You can earn a certificate for completing this training module, and also help guide the training we make in the future, by completing our online evaluation form. 

Additional training, guidance and tools for schools and colleges, can also be found in our EPS resources library

Introduction to Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and learning: 

How to create autism-aware environments: 

Top activities for developing skills for learning in young people with ASC: 

Early Years Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) module

We have two playlists for educators, parents and caregivers of children in the Early Years (0-5) phase of education. Both playlists cover the same topics. The first playlist has longer form videos (5-9 minutes) and the second playlist has videos in bitesize form (less than 60 seconds).

We hope you find these videos useful. Please use our feedback form to let us know what we need to improve and what we are doing well.

Get in touch

Please feel free to email us with your comments or questions.