Alternative learning provision

Alternative learning provision is a term that covers a broad range of education that children and young people can access instead of, or in addition to, regular school. 

The aim of alternative learning provision is to offer education to pupils who are having a difficult time engaging in typical classroom learning and need some support to re-engage. This might be due to some of the following reasons: 

  • challenges around physical or mental health
  • additional learning needs
  • the young person has been temporarily or permanently excluded

Alternative provision can take different forms depending on the needs of the pupil. It should always focus on the long-term goal of re-engaging children and young people with education, training or employment.

In North Somerset, there are two main types of alternative learning provision:

  • our pupil referral unit
  • independent alternative provision

Our pupil referral unit

The Voyage Learning Campus is our pupil referral unit. It is a school for children and young people who are unable to attend mainstream schools for medical reasons, or because they have been permanently excluded from school. 

The Voyage Learning Campus may also be able to provide some outreach support for pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion. Some pupils who are on the roll of the Voyage Learning Campus also attend other forms of alternative learning provision off site. 

Independent alternative provision

Alternative learning provision from an independent provider can make up part or all of a pupil's timetable. It will be commissioned by the pupil's school or, in cases where the pupil is not registered at a school, by the local authority. 

This type of provision can take many forms, such as mentoring, tutoring or forest school. In North Somerset we are part of the Alternative Learning Provision Framework and have a list of pre-approved providers we recommend schools commission these services from.

Alternative learning provision framework

The alternative learning provision framework is a collaboration between North Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council. To join the framework, independent providers must be able to demonstrate their ability to provide safe, high-quality provision.

Other than in exceptional circumstances, we are now only commissioning placements from providers that are in the framework. We strongly encourage our schools to take the same approach.

The framework commissions three types of alternative learning provision to cover a variety of pupil needs. These are:

  • full-time provision
  • part-time provision
  • in-school provision

You can use a tool on the Bristol City Council website to search for a framework provider.

In most cases, alternative learning provision is commissioned by the school the pupil typically attends. The school is responsible for ensuring the provider meets the pupil's needs with a safe, meaningful and sufficiently ambitious placement for the pupil.

Schools should work with the pupil and family to design a placement with specific outcomes and also go through checks on the provider to ensure they meet safeguarding and health and safety legislation. 

Once the placement begins, schools are responsible for regularly visiting the provider and staying in contact with them to monitor the pupil's progress against their intended outcomes.  

These requirements and our advice for schools who are commissioning alternative provision are covered in detail in the document below.