Sites and policies plan part 1: development management policies examination

The Sites and Policies Plan Part 1: Development Management Policies brings forward detailed policies to complement the strategic context set out in the Core Strategy.

These policies are generic, and used to assess planning applications and development proposals.  The plan does not contain site allocations but covers issues like development in the Green Belt, major transport schemes, conservation areas, extensions to dwellings, development in the countryside, retailing, housing for older people, minerals planning and design details.

The consultation draft of this document was published in February 2013.  The publication version was consulted on in February 2015.  The plan was submitted to the secretary of state in July 2015 and then examination hearings were held in November 2015.  All of the examination documents are available to view below in the examination library.

We received the Inspector’s final report on 26 April 2016. The report concludes that with the inclusion of the recommended main modifications the plan can be found sound. The plan, including the main modifications, will be taken to the full council meeting on 19 July 2016 for adoption.

Examination library

Consultation on the proposed main modifications to the submitted plan was held between 14 January and 2 March 2016.  These main modifications have been made as a result of changes made in response to comments during the publication version consultation, changes proposed by us and changes proposed by the Inspector following the examination process and hearings.

All of the responses to the main modifications consultation have now been passed on to the Inspector, who will take them into consideration.  The Inspector will then issue his final report to us.