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Physical Activity Fund

Get Active, a physical activity strategy for North Somerset, sets out the priorities for physical activity in North Somerset over the next five years, supported by the vision:

'Every person has the opportunity to get moving, be active, and enjoy a healthier life in their local community'.

This vision reflects national, regional and local policy as well as local insight identified through the development of the strategy.

Moving more as part of everyday life is seen as a key part of our physical and mental wellbeing and supports us to learn, work and enjoy life to the full. Our population is ageing, people are living inactive lives and health inequalities have increased.  


We want to challenge inactivity in North Somerset and our four desired outcomes are:

  • Active places: we will support and develop built and natural community assets that support and facilitate everyday physical activity for everyone
  • Active communities: we will support and develop community-led initiatives to increase physical activity levels
  • Healthy people: we will provide more opportunities to participate in physical activity as part of everyday life for all
  • Partnerships and working together: we will improve partnership working to increase physical activity opportunities

Get Active - our Physical Activity Strategy for 2023 to 2028

Action plan

The action plan sits alongside Get Active – a Physical Activity Strategy for North Somerset and maps out the actions we will take to increase participation in physical activity.

The action plan focuses on the main barriers and opportunities for improvement mentioned in the report. It includes general and specific actions to help everyone in North Somerset, especially those who need more support for their health and wellbeing.

The process

To support the action plan, funding has been set aside for a small grant program. This will allow local community groups and non-profit organisations to apply for funding to help achieve the goals of the strategy and action plan.

The total fund is £63,000 and we are inviting proposals for actions, programmes or interventions that will help to achieve our aims. Individual proposals may have a value of up to £2,000.

Please use the form at the bottom of this page to submit your proposal to us. This information will help us prioritise what proposals we support so that we can achieve the best outcomes for our local population from available resources.

Who can apply

You can apply to the fund if your project can meet all of the following criteria:

1. You are a voluntary organisation, sports club, physical activity group, community group, charity or not for profit organisation.

2. The project will benefit the residents of North Somerset and will target one or more of the following inactive demographic groups as evidenced by the 2023/24 Active Lives Survey, these include:

  • Disability and long-term health conditions: activity is less common for disabled people or those living with a long-term health condition (48%) than those without (69%)
  • Ethnically diverse communities: there are differences in activity levels based on ethnic background, those of Black and Asian ethnicity background (excluding Chinese) are less likely to be active than other ethnic groups
  • Socio-economic groups: those in routine/semi-routine jobs and those who are long-term unemployed or have never worked (NS-SEC 6-8*) are the least likely to be active

3. You have Public Liability Insurance no less than £5 million in place before the project begins. We recognise that smaller community groups may not be able to meet insurance requirements. If this is the case, please contact getactive@n-somerset.gov.uk to discuss your project. You may be able to apply through a larger organisation such as a town or parish council. We will evaluate all applications that are unable to meet this requirement on a case-by-case basis.

4. You have safeguarding policies for vulnerable adults and/or children (according to your target population) and will comply with all legislation, official guidance and codes of practice relating to safeguarding. Visit North Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (NSSAB) or North Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSSCP) for more information.

5. You have your own bank account. If your organisation does not have a bank account, another organisation can look after the funds for you. Please provide written authorisation from that organisation in addition to your application.

6. You can show how the project will support delivery of actions listed in the action plan for Get Active – a physical activity strategy for North Somerset.

7. You can show how the project is shaped by the needs, concerns and priorities of members of the group/community.

8. You can show how the project will increase the physical activity levels of participants/local residents.

9. The project will include a method of evaluation to measure key outcomes.

Similarly, the interventions need to demonstrate best use of resources and sustainability to create a long-lasting improvement to physical activity levels in North Somerset.

Priority will be given to those organisations/groups who have not already received funding (grant or commissioned) from us for other health and wellbeing outcomes.

What we fund

The total available funding is £63,000. You can apply for up to a maximum of £2,000, in exceptional circumstances further funding maybe agreed.

The fund can cover whole of your project or be used in combination with other funding streams. Please make it clear in your bid if you are combining this funding with other sources and state what those other sources are.

The fund can cover short-term running and delivery costs such as: training, resources, venue hire, crèche, staffing or volunteering costs, transport, purchasing of equipment.

What we don't fund

  • general appeals
  • the direct replacement of statutory funding
  • political groups or activities promoting political beliefs
  • religious groups promoting religious beliefs
  • projects with no community or charitable element
  • medical research, equipment or treatment
  • projects that take place before an application can be processed
  • activities that raise funds for other organisations
  • fundraisers' salaries
  • individuals

Monitoring and evaluating

It is important to build evaluation into your project from the beginning so you can understand what the overall impact of the project has been on physical activity and other health-related outcomes.

Doing this will help to identify areas of success and areas for development and change relating to the project.

Once your programme has ended, an evaluation form should be completed to show the impact of the project. Support will be offered throughout the funded period to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your project.

Next steps

There will be three rounds of funding available, please complete and submit the template below by the following dates:

  • Friday 31 January 2025
  • Friday 25 April 2025
  • Friday 19 September 2025 

Please note, funding will not be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

All funded projects will need to be completed by 31 March 2026 

The information will be reviewed by a panel of representatives from the North Somerset Physical Activity Strategy Steering group.

Funding will be allocated to proposals that show the best and most beneficial use of resources to support the strategy's goals and actions.

For more information about the application process, please contact getactive@n-somerset.gov.uk.

How to apply

To apply, complete the application form below and send it to getactive@n-somerset.gov.uk.

Please note, the application form is a Word document and may not be accessible for users of screen-reader technology. If you need support with the form, please email us on getactive@n-somerset.gov.uk or call us on 01275 88 2733 or 01934 427222.