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SEND Hub - information for young people

This page will tell you what the SEND Hub is and how to use it. You'll also find links to useful areas of the hub and guides made with young people with SEND to help you understand our services.

The SEND Hub has information for parents, carers and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The SEND Hub is also called the Local Offer. There is lots of support available for young people with SEND in North Somerset and beyond, but it can take a lot of time to find all this information. The SEND Hub brings all the resources and information for SEND to one place.

The Department for Education has created a video about the SEND Local Offer.

How you can use the SEND Hub

On the homepage, you will find colourful tiles that you can click on to find out about all the different ways you can get support. Some areas you might find useful are:

What is SEND?

This page will tell you about the different kinds of special education needs and disabilities and how to get support.


This page tells you about each stage of your journey through school and the kind of support you can expect.

Education, health and care plans

Education, health and care plans or EHCPs can help you get the support you need in your school.

Preparing for adulthood

This page will tell you about things like jobs and apprenticeships, money, transport, living independently and social life.

Money matters

Managing your own money can be a huge task but this page makes it simpler by showing what support you can get.

Leisure activities

This page will tell you about SENDCAS, which is the clubs and activities service for people with SEND in North Somerset.

Meet our team

It can be useful to know what teams we have to help you in your journey.

Useful links - SAY: SEND and You

SAY: SEND and You is a service in North Somerset that can give you support and advice. Here are some links to some of their resources:

Guides created by young people with SEND

SEND Council

The SEND Council is a group of young people with SEND from primary, secondary, and special schools. They hope to soon have members from local colleges too.

They meet once a month to discuss what positive changes they would like to see for residents with SEND in North Somerset. They present their views to our SEND Improvement Board, which has members across children’s services including councillors. Recently, they have spoken to councillors about:

  • the use and impact of language
  • raising awareness of hidden disabilities
  • mental health in schools
  • health care
  • post-16 opportunities

If you are a young person with SEND that wants to create change in North Somerset, please email engagement.participation@n-somerset.gov.uk.