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Education other than at school (EOTAS)

EOTAS stands for ‘Education Otherwise Than At School’. It is a form of education we fund for children or young people for whom school or college is not appropriate. 

There are some circumstances where children and young people with special educational needs cannot be educated in a formal educational setting. 

It may occur when

  • the placement has broken down
  • the placement is at risk of breaking down due to complexity of needs
  • the provision they need cannot be provided within a setting

EOTAS is usually a temporary measure until 

  • an appropriate educational setting for the child or young person is identified or;
  • the barriers to accessing education are identified and removed

How education is delivered

The child or young person would not be on roll at a school or post-16 institution. The special educational provision could happen at home or could be at another setting, which is not a registered educational setting. 

Some examples of EOTAS are as follows: 

  • online schooling
  • home tuition 
  • other tuition centres 
  • hospital schooling 
  • therapies such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

These or any other provision, which educate or train a child or young person should be treated as special educational provision. This will be detailed in Section F of the EHCP. It will then be the duty of the LA to secure and fund the provision.

The decision process

Firstly, the child or young person will need to be in the process of an EHC needs assessment or already have an EHC plan. 

Consideration of an EOTAS package may be given

  • as part of the initial EHC process
  • within a reassessment of an EHCP or;
  • at an annual review of the plan

EOTAS should be considered in conjunction with the parent or carer, the young person if appropriate and the Local Authority. The LA must consider your parental wishes. More importantly, the LA will need to establish whether the evidence has been  given to prove that EOTAS is necessary.

Legal requirements

The Local Authority must consider Section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014 when a request for an EOTAS package is made.

This requires the LA to do so: 

  1. only if satisfied that it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school or post-16 institution or at such a place
  2. in consultation with the child’s parents or the young person

What to add to the EHCP if agreed

If an EOTAS package is agreed then case law has determined that

  1. Section I of the plan should be left blank
  2. your child will not be on roll at a formal educational setting
  3. the provision in regard to the EOTAS package should be set out in Section F of the EHCP. 

The provision should be specific and quantify what is to be provided. Examples of what provision could be in place in section F are given earlier on this page.

North Somerset Local Authority use providers registered on the Bristol/North Somerset /South Gloucestershire ‘Alternative Learning Provision framework’ for support such as mentoring and tuition. 

Further queries

If your child is on roll with an education setting but accesses alternative provision

Schools may also choose to fund the use of alternative learning provision as an interim measure for young people on their roll. 

This is not the same as EOTAS as a setting is named in section I. When a young person is EOTAS section I remains blank.

EOTAS and the annual review

If you have EOTAS in place, you will also have an annual review. This will be held yearly. The aim is to complete it within 12 months of the initial EHC plan being finalised or within 12 months of the previous review.

Local Authorities are also required to conduct an annual review when a child is educated otherwise than at school. All timescales and obligations will remain the same throughout the annual review process. 

The Local Authority may want to see ongoing evidence that it is still inappropriate for your child to be educated in an educational setting. You may wish to consider this evidence before the annual review takes place.

We have a SEND officer responsible for children and young people who access EOTAS and bespoke education.  They will arrange and chair the annual meeting.

EOTAS and EHE (Elective Home Education)

No, EOTAS is not the same as elective home education (EHE). With an EOTAS package, the LA is responsible for arranging and paying for the provision. If a parent chooses to home educate their child, the LA is absolved of their duties.