Community Governance Review

Town and parish councils are the first tier of local government. They play a vital role in engaging with local people and helping to shape their communities.  

Further information on all the town and parish councils in North Somerset is available on our contacts page.

Community Governance Review

A Community Governance Review is an opportunity for us to review and make changes to the governance in our area. We use it to make sure that governance arrangements are working as efficiently and effectively as possible.

We involve the public, town and parish councils, and any other interested parties. We ask them whether they feel their communities are suitably represented. We also ask whether town and parish councils would like to see any changes made to current governance arrangements. 

We have the power to undertake such reviews under:

We are required to consult with

  • local government electors living in the North Somerset District
  • any other individuals and organisations who 'appear to have an interest in the review'

We must consider all representations we receive during the review's periods of consultation. It will make all representations available for public viewing. 

Outcomes of the review

A Community Governance Review can make several changes when there is clear evidence to do so.

This can include:

  • creating, merging, altering or abolishing parishes
  • changes to electoral arrangements for parishes including
    • the ordinary year of an election
    • number of parish councillors
    • changes to parish wards
  • converting a parish council to a parish meeting 
  • changing the name or the style of a new town or parish council or parish meeting 
  • grouping parishes together under a common parish 

Changes we cannot make

A Community Governance Review cannot 

  • change the number of district or county councillors
  • change a district or county council ward boundaries 
  • change the amount of money that a parish council raises through your Council Tax (known as a precept)
  • change individual town or parish councillors 
  • create a unitary authority

Community Governance Review 2025

We are undertaking a full review of all parish and town councils within our area, in line with the government's recommendation to carry out a review every 10-15 years.

Notice of review and the terms of reference

These will be made available here on Friday 21 February. This will formally begin the review.


A Community Governance Review is a 12-month process that requires two lengthy rounds of public consultation. You can find the timetable for this year's review below.

Friday 21 FebThe terms of reference are published – this officially begins the review.
Feb-AprFirst public consultation – this is an opportunity for any interested parties to have their say by completing the online survey. The survey for this first round of public consultation will open on Friday 21 February and close at midnight on Wednesday 30 April.
May-JunOfficers will review all submissions and use them to shape any draft recommendations it feels appropriate.
JunDraft recommendations to be agreed by North Somerset councillors at the June Planning and Regulatory Committee and approved for publication on Friday 20 June.
Jun-SepSecond public consultation - interested parties can have their say on the draft recommendations. The survey for this second round of public consultation will open on Friday 20 June and close at midnight on Tuesday 30 September.
Oct-NovOfficers will review all submissions and use them to shape any final recommendations it feels appropriate.
NovNorth Somerset councillors discuss and agree final recommendations at the November planning and regulatory committee. 
NovA reorganisation order, which will give effect to any changes made following the review, will be published on Friday 21 November.


Please use the maps below to view where existing polling districts, wards, parishes and parish wards are: 

If you require a map to be printed and sent to you, please email with your name and address.

How to take part

An online survey will be made available here from Friday 21 February.

You will also be able to download paper copies of the survey, which can be returned to Electoral Services, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ.

If any community groups are holding meetings to discuss possible proposals and would like a council officer to come along to explain more about the process, please email us at and let us know the date, location and time of your meeting.