A scheme to improve access for pedestrians and cyclists in Clevedon is progressing well.
The improvements are part of the eagerly anticipated Pier to Pier Way between Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon which will be completed early in 2023. It will provide an attractive new route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders between the two towns.
The Clevedon scheme, which includes a range of improvements to The Beach and Hill Road, aims to encourage more walking and cycling in the town as part of North Somerset Council's commitment to promoting healthier lifestyles and tackling the climate emergency.
The majority of the works have now been completed on Hill Road including widening the pavements on the North side of Hill Road, the wider ‘build out’ pavements, new road resurfacing, road markings, one way system, the contraflow cycle lane and a 20mph limit.
General feedback from visitors and local traders has been positive. This includes comments about slower traffic speeds, people spending longer in the area for shopping and more cyclists present. The wider footways are proving useful on the North side of the road for pedestrians and shoppers with more room for chairs and tables for traders assisting the economic recovery.
Next stage of the project
The next stage will be to complete the final elements.
Additional parking spaces in Elton Road
These are due to be created before work starts on The Beach. The Elton Road parking spaces will include approximately 28 bays near Sixways and a further 12 towards the Green Beach.
Hill Road cycle lane bollards
Bollards have been installed to ensure the contraflow cycle lane is not abused by parking. The removal of the existing bollards on the pavement is not currently possible as structural engineers have raised concern about possible damage to the cellars on the south side of Hill Road. There are no plans to undertake this at least until the scheme is finished.
Parklet seating, planting areas and trees
Work is due to start in autumn and local traders are already applying to North Somerset Council’s licensing team for areas for chairs and tables. There are plans to add planters which will be maintained by traders. Further planting will also be installed.
Sainsbury’s loading bay
Parking enforcement on Hill Road will begin soon. Double ‘ticks’ preventing stopping or loading on the double yellows are due to be installed opposite Sainsbury’s to ensure road widths are maintained so vehicles can pass. Engineers are investigating a coloured loading bay and placing an arrow around the loading bay to help discourage parking next to it.
Wider 20mph area work
This is due to start soon. This encompasses a wider 20mph area for all the roads in between Elton Road, Sixways, The Beach, and Hill Road area. The rest of the cycle white lining will be completed soon and this will take up to three days depending on the weather. The 20mph roundels and one way plates will be installed the same week.
Phase 2 The Beach highway scheme
This is due to start on site from 17 October outside of the busy summer periods and the plan is to mainly complete the scheme by early December. This work was initially planned earlier but has been timed to ensure minimum disruption to trade for businesses on The Beach and The Pier.