Local Plan 2040

Pre-submission plan 2040 (reg 19) consultation – Autumn 2024

This pre-submission plan is the version that the council proposes to submit to the secretary of state for independent examination

Pre-submission plan 2040 - evidence base

The evidence base to support the pre-submission plan 2040

Pre-submission plan 2039 – Autumn 2023

This is a previous pre-submission plan which has been replaced by the pre-submission plan 2040

Pre-submission plan 2039 - evidence base

The evidence base to support the pre-submission plan 2039

Preferred Options Consultation – Spring 2022

A full draft of the new local plan with proposed policies and site allocations, which is based on the previous response to consultation, evidence and government guidance

Preferred Options Consultation - supporting documents

Supporting documents published to accompany the Local Plan Preferred Options consultation

Choices consultation - Autumn 2020

Information and documents relating to our Local Plan Choices for the Future consultation where we identified areas of growth

Challenges consultation - Summer 2020

Information and documents relating to our Local Plan Challenges for the Future and the issues and challenges the local plan would need to address

Pre-commencement document - Spring 2020

This sets out the proposed content, scope and methodology of the new local plan

Our Local Development Scheme

Our timetable for producing the Local Plan and other development plan documents