Clevedon public realm improvements

We have completed a review of the Clevedon improvement scheme and will be introducing changes. See our dedicated web page for details.



We are providing more parking for the area overall. Thanks to a thorough design, parking will be rationalised and reallocated to nearby streets thanks to the removal of some double yellow lines.

The Beach will be enhanced as a visitor destination through fewer parked cars. Thanks to the introduction of additional parking in Elton Road, the overall parking in The Beach area will increase by about 10 spaces, including two large loading bays and three disabled spaces.

Hill Road parking remains the same, with improved loading facilities and disabled spaces. We would also take the opportunity to improve signing and awareness of the under-used Hawthorns car park nearby.

The one-way system

Introducing selective one-way streets in Clevedon will help to provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists. Along with slower traffic speeds (20mph) and multiple new crossing points, this will make for a much safer and pleasant environment for everyone, especially more vulnerable road users such as children and elderly.

Using the reclaimed road space, wider footpaths and more seating will help make the area more attractive to spend time in and aid economic recovery. Introducing a one-way system on Copse Road (South), Seavale Road, Woodlands Road and Gardens Road will improve access for local residents and help prevent rat-running in residential side streets.

Road repairs

The Active Travel Fund from the Department for Transport can only be spent on walking and cycling improvements. These improvements help us address climate change, develop public health improvements and help aid economic recovery. Funding for potholes is a separate allocation, managed by our Highways team. We are working closely with them to repair Hill Road and The Beach.

These works are being done at the same time to minimise disruption to local residents and traders. The repairs were originally scheduled for a couple of years’ time, but the Active Travel scheme has brought forward plans to resurface the road.


Buses will continue to run along Hill Road in an eastwards direction. The introduction of the one-way system along Hill Road means that the westbound bus stop will be relocated to a new bus stop adjacent to the Pier, improving access at a key location. Bus stops on Elton Road will be improved with wider pavements for waiting passengers.


Since being awarded funding in November 2020, we have been drafting our proposals along with gathering feedback from local councillors and stakeholders. Now that the proposals are ready to share, we are running a public consultation to gather feedback at the earliest opportunity.