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Clevedon seafront and Hill Road review

AECOM have now completed their independent review of the Clevedon Seafront and Hill Road Scheme. AECOM’s findings and recommendations were shared at a public meeting at Christchurch, Chapel Hill, Clevedon on Monday 20 November 2023. 

The next steps on the future of the scheme were considered at a meeting of the council's Executive on Wednesday 6 December 2023, which was open to the public.

AECOM independent review of Clevedon seafront

More information and a timeline around AECOM's public consultation to review the Clevedon seafront improvements 

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions around AECOM's Clevedon seafront review

Clevedon review additional documents

Supporting audit documents for AECOM's Clevedon seafront review

About the review

We have commissioned an independent review into a scheme intended to improve pedestrian and cycle access in Clevedon. 

Independent experts AECOM will review changes made to Hill Road and The Beach. This is in response to criticism received from local residents and businesses.

About the scheme to be reviewed

The scheme was designed to support our commitment to providing sustainable travel routes. This is to encourage more cycling and walking as well as reducing car travel.

The first stage of the scheme focused on the Hill Road area and included:

  • the widening of pavements on the north side of the road
  • new crossing points
  • road resurfacing
  • new road markings
  • a one-way system
  • a contraflow cycle lane
  • a 20mph limit

The second stage of works to The Beach provided:

  • a new 20mph limit
  • public realm improvements
  • new crossing points
  • a segregated cycle lane forming the start and end point of the Pier to Pier Way

Since May 2023 we have arranged a number of pieces of work to inform the independent review:

  • Active Travel England visited Clevedon to inspect the scheme's compliance with its government funding agreement. This is following the engagement of local MPs with the Department for Transport and Parliament.
  • we have commissioned engineers to conduct a Stage Three Post-Implementation Safety Audit. This is standard statutory and council process for any significant investment scheme. This will take place early in August.
  • Audit West are currently reviewing the development and implementation of the scheme. This includes the consultation and any decision-making that took place.

The review will establish at a high level whether there is a case for reversing or changing elements of the scheme. It will address issues and recommendations, and what the potential costs might be.

After the May local elections, our new partnership administration committed to engaging with the public in this review.

Review process

The review process began with two public meetings in Clevedon to kickstart community involvement:

  • 20 July 2023 - Clevedon Community Hall 
  • 7 August 2023 - Christchurch on Chapel Hill 

The meetings were both led by Cllr Mike Bell, the Leader of North Somerset Council and Cllr Hannah Young, North Somerset Council’s executive member for active travel and a local Clevedon ward member. They were joined by Vicky Presland from AECOM who is leading the independent review. 

Following on from these public meetings, as part of their independent review, AECOM ran a public consultation between 14 August and 25 September 2023. 

Please visit our dedicated AECOM webpage to find out more.