Support if you are physically disabled

If you are over 18 and have

  • a physical or sensory (sight or hearing) disability, or 
  • long-term illness

we can provide advice and support to help you. We can also provide support to your family or carer.  

Services include

  • advice about organisations that can support you  
  • specialist equipment  
  • home adaptations  
  • day and residential care and support  
  • home care  
  • disabled parking badges  
  • advice about support organisations and services for carers  

How to find out if you are eligible for support

You will need to have an assessment to see if you are eligible to receive care and support from adult social services. 

You can ask for support by either call our Care Connect service or by completing an online self referral form. 

Care Connect

NHS Continuing Healthcare

You might also be eligible for free care funded by the NHS. To find out you will need to have an assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare. 

Support for disabled children and young people

We also have specialist teams to support disabled children and young people. Please see our dedicated website section for more information.