Brokerage or how we arrange your care

After your care assessment, if it is agreed that a package of care and support is the best way forward, we will share your details with our Brokerage team. They will then arrange the care on your behalf. 

Our brokers work closely with the care providers in North Somerset. They work to match people to packages of care and care home placements.  

This is often a quick and easy process. We will identify an agency or a care home and then work with you to confirm times and a start date. The care provider will meet you, get to know you and agree the practical aspects of the care. 

If we cannot find care

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find care. In these cases, we may need to start with a smaller package of support than that discussed at the assessment. We will keep in touch with you throughout the process and make any decisions together.  

We will often talk to you about other options while you wait, to help keep you safe. This may mean

  • regular calls from our telephone based Wellness Service
  • meals provided by Community Meals
  • a short stay in a care home, while waiting for a package of care to support you at home

In these cases, we will keep looking to meet your needs in the way we agreed.  

A revised copy of your care plan will be sent to you. 

If your needs change while you are waiting, you can be reassessed.