The amount of core funding North Somerset Council receives is £2,127 per dwelling. This is £414 less than the England average. Over the number of dwellings within North Somerset, this equates to £41m per year less than the England average.
Our low tax base also means we receive £9.1m less per year than our neighbours.
This is calculated at
- the average nationwide Council Tax of £1,820.33 - less North Somerset Council’s £1708.50 = £111.83
- £111.83 multiplied by our tax base of 81,449 = £9.1m shortfall
This unfair funding sets North Somerset back. Coupled with savings we have had to make to balance previous budgets, it can feel as though you pay more council tax but receive less service.
This is why it’s vital we call on the government for fairer funding. We need additional resources to get back on an equal footing with other councils.
Sign our petition and pledge your support for a fair deal for North Somerset.