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Privacy notices - People and Communities

Privacy notice – education inclusion service

North Somerset Council is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the purposes of processing personal data.

The information you provide will be held and used in accordance with the requirements of UK and European data protection law. The information will form part of your education inclusion service records and will be held for no longer than 25 years.

Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will only collect the minimum personal data required to deliver the service, which includes your name, your children’s names and dates of birth, email address, postal address, telephone numbers, language and ethnicity. We will also collect information about the services you have accessed.

The information will be used as part of any assessment process, and then continued support to ensure that your child(ren) are able to access the most appropriate education provision for their needs up to the age of 20 (and beyond for those with special educational needs or disability).

We will share relevant information about your child with the inclusion panel to assist and support children and young people to access the most suitable education provision. We will also share relevant information about children who are at risk of exclusion and who may need additional support with the inclusion panel.

We will also share relevant information about pupils not in education, training or employment aged 16+ with the provider of youth support services as they have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19-year olds under section 507B of the Education Act 1996. We will hold information regarding education employment and training status and history. This is to support the provision of their education, employment and training up to the age of 18 (up to age 25 years for those with a special educational need or disability, or who are care leavers).

Education institutions and other public bodies (including the Department for Education (DfE), police, and probation and health services) may pass information to us to help us to do this (under the Education and Skills Act 2008, parts 1 and 2). We are collecting this data because we are required to under the Education and Skills act 2008 (ESA 2008) in relation to sections 10,12 and 68 of that act.

We will use this information about children and young people to carry out specific functions for which we are as a local authority responsible under the Education and Skills Act 2008.

We hold information about young people living in our area, including about their education and training history. This is to support the provision of their education up to the age of 20 (and beyond this age for those with a special educational need or disability). Education institutions and other public bodies (including the Department for Education (DfE), police, probation and health services) may pass information to us to help us to do this (under the Education and Skills Act 2008, parts 1 and 2).

We also use this data to derive statistics which inform decisions we make, for example regarding the funding of schools, assessing their performance and to set targets for them. These statistics are used in such a way that individual children cannot be identified.

For pupils aged 13 and over, schools are legally required to pass certain information to the provider of youth support services in their area. This is the local authority support service for young people in England who are aged 13 to 19.

We share some of the information we collect with the Department for Education (DfE) to enable them to produce statistics, assess our performance, determine the destinations of young people after they have left school or college and to evaluate government funded programmes.

We may also share information with targeted youth support services, post-16 education and training providers to secure appropriate support for young people is in place. We may also share data with education establishments which shows what their pupils go on to do after the age of 16.

The information provided may be shared with our local NHS partners via a secure system called Connecting Care and other partners such as education/early Years, high impact families, schools and academies, and adult/children’s social care, who have demonstrated that they have a lawful and legitimate interest in the information, for the purposes of health and social care provision. Your data is never shared or processed outside of the UK.

We may lawfully disclose information to public sector agencies to prevent or detect fraud or other crime, or to support the national fraud initiatives and protect public funds under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Under the conditions of the Digital Economy Act 2017, for the purposes of fraud or crime detection or prevention, to recover monies owed to us, to improve public service delivery, or for statistical research. We do not share the information with other organisations for commercial purposes.

You have the right to see the personal data we process about you, as well as the right of rectification and restriction (of destruction of records only). 

If you have any questions or concerns about the way we process your personal data, contact our Data Protection Officer at DPO@n-somerset.gov.uk