March 2022 executive member decisions

Acquisition of Weston-super-Mare town centre sites

Reference number: 21/22 DP 436

Decision made by: Cllr Steve Bridger, Executive Member for Assets and Capital Delivery

Decision not before: 11 March 2022

Date of publication: N/A – Exempt Decision

Reason: This decision is exempt in line with the Local Government Act 1972. Schedule 12A – Access to Information – Exempt Information. Section 3 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Place Directorate Fees and Charges 2022-23

Reference number: 21-22 DP 408

Decision made by: Cllr Mike Solomon, Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Services

Decision not before: 11 March 2022

Date of publication: 14 March 2022

Place Directorate Fees and Charges 2022-23

Reference number: 21-22 DP 409

Decision made by: Cllr Mark Canniford, Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy

Decision not before: 11 March 2022

Date of publication: 14 March 2022

Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund scheme 2021/22

Reference number: 21-22 CSD 127

Decision made by: Ash Cartman, Executive Member for Corporate Services & Amy Webb, Director of Corporate Services & S151 Officer

Decision not before: 17 March 2022

Date of publication:

Adult social care fees and charges uplifts and minimum income guarantee - 2022/23

Reference number: 21-22 ASC 067

Decision made by: Executive Member for Adult Social Care

Decision not before: 17 March 2022

Date of publication: 22 March 2022


Council tax write offs >£10,000 – 1/4/2021 to 31/3/2022

Reference number: 2021/2022 – CSD130

Decision made by: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision not before: 22 March 2022

Date of publication: 29 March 2022

National non-domestic rates write offs >£10,000 – 1/4/2021 to 31/3/2022

Reference number: 2021/2022 – CSD132

Decision made by: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision not before: 22 March 2022

Date of publication: 29 March 2022

In home lift procurement plan

Reference number: PH059 2021/2022

Decision made by: Councillor Mike Bell - Deputy Leader of the Council &
Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing

Decision not before: 23 March 2022

Date of publication: 24 March 2022

Write offs - sundry debts over £10K - March 2022

Reference number: 2021/22 CSD143

Decision made by: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision not before: 29 March 2022

Date of publication: 6 April 2022

Distribution of council tax energy rebate

Reference number: 2021-22 CSD 144

Decision made by: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision not before: 5 April 2022

Date of publication: 6 April 2022

Write-off benefit overpayments over £10k to February 2022

Reference number: 21-22 CSD 099

Decision made by: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Decision not before: 5 April 2022

Date of publication: 6 April 2022