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January 2016 director decisions

Allocation of a postal address to a new dwelling following planning application 15/P/0792/F

Re-submission for a detached dwelling with integral garage and off road parking and associated other works following demolition and re-siting of existing garage.

Reference number: 15-16 DE 212

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. To allocate a postal address to the new dwelling. The owner, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below:

2A Woodside Avenue
Postcode to be allocated by the Royal Mail

Decision date: 29 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 5 February 2016

Employee assistance programme

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 100

Decision made by Chief Executive:

To exercise the option to renew the annual contract with Health Assured at a total cost of £16,468 to run from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.

Decision date: 29 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 29 January 2016

Westhaven School and Churchill Contract Services Ltd – transferee admission agreement

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 104

Decision made by Chief Executive:

For North Somerset Council (scheme employer for Westhaven School) to enter into an admissions agreement with Churchill Contract Services Ltd and Bath and North East Somerset Council (LGPS pensions administrator), allowing transferring staff to retain their LGPS membership post TUPE transfer.

Decision date: 28 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 28 January 2016

Allocation of postal address. Erection of new dwelling with associated integral garage parking and creation of vehicular access, amendment to planning application 14/P/1296/F

Planning application: 15/P/0382/F. Location: Covehithe, Station Road, Sandford, Winscombe, BS25 5RF

Reference number: 15-16 DE 208

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. To allocate a postal address to the new property. The property owner, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below:

74 Station Road
Postcode to be allocated by Royal Mail

Decision date: 28 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 29 January 2016

Award of tender for the rebuilding of Nailsea skate park

Reference number: 15-16 DE 204

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

That the contract for the refurbishment of Nailsea skate park be awarded to Wheelscape Ltd.

Decision date: 22 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 29 January 2016

Authorisation of officers to enter land or buildings

Reference number: 15-16 DE 197 (update from DE 111)

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

1. That the officers listed in the schedule to this decision are authorised to enter land and buildings for any of the purposes and in accordance with the provision of Sections 196A, 196B, 214B, 214C and 324 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Sections 88 and 88A of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990; Section 24 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1976; Section 74 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, and 45,47, 79 and 85 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policy Act 2014.

2. That the Head of Development Management is authorised to exercise by delegated powers to add to or amend the list of officers authorised to enter land and buildings as necessary.

3. That the Head of Development Management is authorised to sign warrant cards to be produced to members of the public by authorised officers when exercising powers to enter land and buildings.

Decision date: 22 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 29 January 2016

Allocation of postal addresses. Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. detached 1.5 storey dwellings

Planning application: 10/P/1084/F. Location 45 Clevedon Road, Failand, BS8 3UL

Reference number: 15-16 DE 203

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. To allocate postal addresses to the new properties. The developer, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below.

The Oak (property name alias)
45A Clevedon Road

45 Clevedon Road

Decision date: 20 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

Appointment of examiner for Congresbury new village hall community right to build order

Reference number: 15-16 DE 198

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

That Andrew Ashcroft be appointed as the examiner for the consideration of the Congresbury new village hall community right to build order.

Decision date: 20 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

To seek approval to depart from contract standing orders

Reference number: 15-16 DE 199

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

To approve departure from contract standing orders because:

5.2.7 Purchases required as a matter of urgency resulting from an incident which could not have been foreseen. Lack of forward planning will not constitute an emergency.

Decision date: 20 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

25 Hildesheim Court, Station Road, Weston-super-Mare

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 90

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

To buy back 25 Hildesheim Court, Station Road, Weston-super-Mare on surrender of the lease and grant a new lease.

Decision date: 19 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

Allocation of postal address for 1 residential dwelling following application 12/P/1733/LDE

Certificate of lawfulness existing for the use of the building as an agricultural workers dwelling in association with Parsonage Farm, Long Ashton.

Reference number: 15-16 DE 200

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. The developer, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services Directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below:

10 Church Lane
Long Ashton
BS41 9LU

with an alias of ‘Abbots View’

Decision date: 19 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

Allocation of postal addresses. Change of use of ground floor retail unit to create a 3 no. bedroom flat including alterations to front and side elevations.

Planning applications: 13/P/0722/F and 15/P/2433/NMA. Location: 88 Ashcombe Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 3DX. Reference number: 15-16 DE 201

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. To allocate postal addresses to the units at the converted building. The developer and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below.

Flat 1 (ground floor) and Flat 2 (first floor)
88 Ashcombe Road
BS23 3DX

Decision date: 19 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

Allocation of postal addresses to 5 dwellings following applications 06/P/1097/O and 07/P/2673/RM. Erection of 5 detached dwellings

Reference number: 15-16 DE 202

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. The developer, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below.

1-3 (inclusive)
Clarence Grove
(postcode to be allocated by Royal Mail)

130 (number re-used due to demolition) 130A
Claverham Road
(postcode to be allocated by Royal Mail)

Decision date: 19 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

Beach recycling works in Weston-super-Mare bay

Reference number: 15-16 DE 193

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

To approve the addition to the capital programme of the Weston-super-Mare bay beach recycling project at a budget of £100,000 to be funded from a revenue contribution to capital (£25,000) and a capital grant from Environment Agency Flood Defence Grant in Aid (£75,000).

Decision date: 15 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 15 January 2016

Land adjacent 35 Beach Road West, Portishead

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 91

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

That the land be sold to the owners of 35 Beach Road West in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the report, subject to there being no objections received to the loss of open space when advertised.

Decision date: 15 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 15 January 2016

Replacement of two corporate pool cars with electric Nissan Leafs

Reference number: 15-16 DE 194

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

To approve the total spend of £32,458.26 to purchase two Nissan Leaf 130kw Accenta cars, of which £6,000 be grant funding from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund making the net purchase costs £26,458.26.

Decision date: 14 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 15 January 2016

District of North Somerset 14-16 Clarence Road South, Weston-super-Mare (no. 1023) Tree Preservation Order 2015

Reference number: 15-16 DE 188

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Tree Preservation Order 1023 was made 31 July 2015 to protect four trees located within 14-16 Clarence Road South and land to rear of 12 Clarence Road South. The period for receipt of objections has now expired.
After six months from the date a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is made the trees protected therein lose the protection of the section 201 direction. If the council wish to confirm the TPO as it stands, or confirm it subject to modification, the decision must be made before the end of the six months.

Decision date: 13 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 21 January 2016

15 St Mary’s Close, Hutton, Weston-super-Mare

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 89

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

To buy back 15 St Mary’s Close on surrender of the lease and grant a new lease.

Decision date: 13 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 15 January 2016

32 Bourton Mead, Long Ashton Road, Long Ashton

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 87

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

To buy back 32 Bourton Mead, Long Ashton Road, Long Ashton.

Decision date: 13 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 15 January 2016

Beach recycling works in Weston-super-Mare bay

Reference number: 15-16 DE 193

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

To approve the addition to the capital programme of the Weston-super-Mare bay beach recycling project at a budget of £100,000 to be funded from a revenue contribution to capital (£25,000) and a capital grant from Environment Agency Flood Defence Grant in Aid (£75,000).

Decision date: 8 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

Highway maintenance and improvement works contract

Reference number: 15-16 DE 187

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment and Section 151 Officer of the Council:

To award the Highway Maintenance and Improvement Works contract to Skanska Construction UK Limited (Contractor C) for a period of two years from 1 April 2016 with an option for a 6 months extension (as stated in the notice placed in the Official Journal of the European Union in the contract).

Decision date: 7 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

Allocation of addresses to 4 flats following application: 15/P/1020/CUPA. Prior approval for change of use from offices (Class B1) to 4 flats (C3)

Reference number: 15-16 DE 186

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. The developer, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below:

The Studio

Apartment 1

Apartment 2

Apartment 3

55B Oxford Street


BS23 1TR

Decision date: 7 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

Tree Preservation Order 1032 B O C M Pauls Ltd, Royal Portbury Docks, First Avenue, Portbury, BS20 7XS

Reference number: 15-16 DE 165 Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

That a tree preservation order be made in respect of:

  • A1 – whatever species including Maple, Ash, Alder, Pine & Hawthorn – roadside boundary;
  • A2 – whatever species including Maple, Ash, Alder & Hawthorn – roadside boundary;
  • A3 – whatever species including Maple, Ash, Alder & Hawthorn – roadside boundary.

Decision date: 7 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 14 January 2016

Replacement of Development and Environment parking services/civil enforcement team vehicle

Reference number: 15-16 DE 185

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

To approve the total spend of £15,059.75 to purchase a replacement fleet vehicle for the highways and environmental asset team, of which £7,559.75 to be revenue funding from the sale of the existing fleet assets and the remainder to be capital funding.

Decision date: 6 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

8 Baytree Court, 247 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 84

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

To buy back 8 Baytree Court, 247 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare on surrender of the lease and grant a new lease.

Decision date: 6 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

12 St Mary’s Close, Hutton, Weston-super-Mare

Reference number: 15-16 CSD 84

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council:

The Council owns the freehold interest in a number of residential properties at St Mary’s Close, Hutton, Weston-super-Mare. It is a requirement of the lease that the Council buys back the property prior to a new lease being granted.

Decision made by Section 151 Officer of the Council: to buy back 12 St Marty’s Close, Hutton, Weston-super-Mare on surrender of the lease and grant a new lease.

Decision date: 6 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

Correction and clarification of postal address

There is confusion regarding the current address of Unit 2B, Harbour Road Trading Estate as Royal Mail have the unit listed under Harbour Road with a postcode of BS20 7DD. Couriers are getting lost trying to locate the business so it is a good idea to correct and clarify the address. Location: Unit next door to 2C Harbour Road Trading Estate, Portishead.

Reference number: 15-16 DE 184

Decision made by Director of Development and Environment:

Sections 64 and 65 Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 incorporated into s160 of the Public Health Act 1875 for urban areas and wellbeing power under the Local Government Act 2000 for rural areas. To correct and clarify the address of the existing commercial unit. The occupier, Royal Mail and the Corporate Services directorate have been consulted and have agreed to the decision as shown below:

2B Harbour Road Trading Estate
BS20 7BL

Decision date: 5 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 8 January 2016

Officer authorisations – Strategic Housing Service (general)

Reference number: 15-16 PC 54

Decision made by Director of People and Communities:

To authorise the officers for the purposes outlined in the appendix. This decision rescinds the previous decision P&C 20 (2014/15).

Decision date: 5 January 2016

Date of publication of decision: 7 January 2016