Report or request it
You can report a wide range of issues from this page, or request access to some of our services.
The quickest way to report something to us is using our online forms, but if you have any problems there are other ways to get in touch.
Bins and recycling
Sign up for garden waste, report missed collections, order new bins and other waste services
Street lights and signs
Report a fault with a street light or damage to a bollard, sign or pole
Report a pothole
Report a pothole to us and we'll repair it if it's a certain size
Roads and pavements
Report damage to a road, drains, pavements, road markings, manholes and bollards
Street cleaning
Tell us about graffiti, dog fouling, broken glass, litter and other types of mess or damage
Parks and woodlands
Tell us about damage to play equipment, vegetation that needs cutting or illegal camping or fires
Report branches obstructing a highway, trees causing damage to a property or tree-related planning issues
Abandoned vehicles
Tell us about a vehicle that appears to have been given up on, with no apparent owner
Public rights of way
Report damage, obstructions or other issues affecting a public right of way
Food safety
Tell us about food safety concerns, including food poisoning, poor practices and unhygienic premises
Business concern
If you have a public health or safety concern about a business, you can report it to us here
Report a nuisance
Tell us about a nuisance caused by noise, smell, smoke, dust or light
Lost or dead animals
Report a lost, found or dangerous dog, or a dead animal that needs to be removed
Use this form to report flooding on a highway and/or threatening properties nearby