New drop-in session to help smokers quit for good


A new drop-in session to help smokers quit will be trialled at the Town Hall in Weston-super-Mare, as part of North Somerset Council’s ongoing commitment to helping people live healthier lifestyles.


The new clinic will be on Thursdays from 4pm with the last appointment at 5.30pm. It will start on Thursday 25 May and run up to and including Thursday 14 December.

“It’s never too late to stop smoking” said Matt Lenny, North Somerset Council's Director of Public Health.

“Our Better Health North Somerset Smokefree team offer free, non-judgmental advice tailored to you, so you can find the most effective way to stop smoking for good. They can offer stop-smoking aids on prescription – meaning they will be much cheaper than buying them over the counter or completely free if you don’t pay for prescriptions.

“There’s no need for people to book in advance for this new Town Hall drop-in session – just pop in! If you’ve been thinking about quitting the cigarettes, now’s a great time to come along and find out how we can help you.”

To find out more about the free help and support that is available to help quit smoking, visit the Better Health North Somerset website at, text HELP to 07800 001 316, email or call 01275 546 744.