Milton Park Primary School celebrates national green travel award


Milton Park Primary School has achieved a Bronze award for their school travel plan.

Modeshift STARS is a nationally recognised scheme that rewards schools who encourage sustainable, active, and safe travel.

A survey completed in school last year showed the percentage of those travelling by car had significantly increased causing congestion and issues with road safety at the school gates.

Mr Turner, teacher at Milton Park Primary School, said: “The children and staff at Milton Park Primary School have worked hard to achieve this award over the course of the last 18 months. We have reduced our use of personal transport such as cars and have worked hard to walk more and find other ways to get to school. The Eco Ambassadors have promoted the positives about walking, wheeling or scooting to school to their peers while also hosting different sustainability events.”

The group have completed more than 15 initiatives including Bikeability, Walk to School Week and Clean Air Day. The films the children have made have been shown in assemblies and shared with parents. A recent follow-up survey exploring how Milton Park travels to school showed that over the past year, the groups work has made a significant reduction in those travelling by car.

Cllr Catherine Gibbons, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning and Skills at North Somerset Council said: “It’s my job as councillor to champion the good work happening in our community including our schools. By working together, the children and teachers at Milton Park have reduced the number of cars travelling to their school and it’s clear the work has started to make an important and positive impact on their wellbeing and environment.”

To continue this work Milton Park is set to take part in the Living Streets challenge, a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day. Those who travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, are rewarded with a badge.

Cllr Steve Hogg, Executive Member for Transport and Highways at North Somerset Council said: “North Somerset Council is keen to make active travel, such as walking, cycling and scooting, the natural choice for parents and children to get to school. This means North Somerset will be a cleaner, healthier and more active place. This year already, several North Somerset schools have received an award for their school travel plan and many more have signed up to the scheme and are making good progress. Our active travel strategy sets out ambitious plans to increase walking and cycling trips by 300% by 2030. We’re really proud of all our schools who are helping to achieve this.”