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Help shape the future of Portishead


Portishead residents are being invited to take part in three important consultations which will help shape the future of development in the town and the surrounding area. 

There are currently three consultations taking place for plans covering separate, but related proposals.  

North Somerset is preparing a local plan for the whole district, the Town Council is consulting on a neighbourhood plan for Portishead and the Wyndham Way Steering Group is working on the master planning of a specific area of the town centre.

North Somerset Council is inviting feedback on their draft Local Plan called preferred options, which will guide new homes, jobs and investment throughout North Somerset up to 2038.

The Local Plan rises to the challenge of finding the government’s target of 20085 homes and of climate change with policies which ensure development across the area is planned in a way which meets the council’s zero carbon target and which the council has some control over.

People can find out more at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/newlocalplan and come to the drop in event at Portishead Library on Thursday  7 April from 3 to 7pm.

Portishead Town Council is consulting on their draft Neighbourhood Plan which details the policies which will help to manage development and protect important features within Portishead.

Two drop in sessions are being held on Saturday 16 April and Saturday 23 April at the Folk Hall, Portishead between 10am and 4pm.

The Wyndham Way Steering Group, which includes North Somerset Council, Portishead Town Council, Aberdeen Standard Investments and local businesses, is continuing its public consultation on the future of the area between Wyndham Way, the marina and the future Portishead Rail station site. Feedback on how this area could be improved in a way that will bring the greatest benefit to the people of Portishead is being sought.

Find out more at https://wyndhamway.co.uk and come to the drop in event at Portishead Library on Thursday 7 April from 3 to 7pm.

Cllr Mark Canniford, North Somerset Council's executive member with responsibility for placemaking and economy said: "We would encourage the residents of Portishead to get involved in these important consultations that will help shape the future of the town.

"Now is the time to have your say on the future of Portishead."