Children’s Centres launch new parent/carer ideas group


North Somerset Children’s Centres have recently launched their new Parent/Carer Ideas Group for parents/carers with children aged up to two. 

This group aims to provide a safe space where parents and carers can share their experiences of accessing services for children, meet other parents and carers and help North Somerset Council ensure Children’s Centres are providing services which are inclusive and meet the needs of our community. 

The group will meet three to six times during the year when staff and parents can come together and give their feedback. 

The name of the group and initial designs were produced in collaboration with parents/carers in North Somerset. 

By taking part, parent/carers will be helping to shape future projects and be able to have their say on what they believe is needed from their local Children's Centre.

Councillor Catherine Gibbons, North Somerset Council’s executive member for children’s services, families and lifelong learning, said: “The parent/carer ideas group is a great opportunity for parents and carers to get involved, have their say and be part of future projects which will make a difference to children and families living in your local community.”

To register your interest in the parent/carer ideas group or to find out more, please contact: 

Or find out more about the group on the Children’s Centres social media pages:
Facebook: @NorthSomersetCC  
Instagram: @northsomersetchildrenscentres