Your Neighbourhood Consultation


Recently launched, the Your Neighbourhood consultation and engagement. It brings together a group of consultations about services which you may use regularly.

We have chosen to group these consultations together, so that we can understand the bigger picture for your neighbourhood, as well as showing how each proposal or strategy works on its own. 

We need everyone’s views to shape what comes next for a number of community services.

This includes:

  • libraries
  • leisure and sports centres
  • street cleansing
  • parks and open spaces
  • garden waste

Why is it important?

We are particularly interested in hearing ideas about how the council might work alongside local communities and stakeholders to create effective partnerships, pool resources where possible and take advantage of income generation opportunities in order to make valued services as efficient and sustainable as possible. 

The consultation is open until 7 May.

Library volunteers are being asked to get involved and share their views in the consultation. The council are not only interested in views on libraries but on the other council services.

How to take part

The Your Neighbourhood consultation link will take anyone wishing to take part to the online survey. Paper copies of surveys can be found in local libraries.